The Annoyance Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MigrantMove, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. While I'm not the mod that edited that post, I can say that we generally edit / delete posts if they contain content that breaks any of the forum guidelines / EMC rules.

    Breaking the rules and then spamming topics / threads / etc is completely different from being mocked. He're a definition for mocking.
    1. Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner.
    2. Make (something) seem laughably unreal or impossible.
    I've deleted the posts in reference to your ban (posted by other members and yourself) in this thread. However, if you keep your actions up - spamming threads - you'll be forum banned.
    jkjkjk182 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  2. Yeah Chas we have GameStop in the USA :p I live 20 minutes from one and 12 mins from another.
    I love LEGO!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  3. GameStop was founded in the USA actually, has the most stores here then anywhere else!
  4. Oh my gosh child, shooooooooooo! We arent dumb, its obvious that you are trying to make the admin/mods look bad. It just makes them look infinitely better, by escalating your 5 day temp ban to a permaban.
  5. Much like #YOLO, I find that #SWAG is annoying. My mother-in-law spams my facebook page with those dumb "LIKE THIS IF YOU LIKE ______" etc. posts.
  6. Yay, there's a lot of people who likes LEGO :)
    I didn't know that.
  7. Don't feel bad, I'm still learning about other things around the world too :D
  8. I choose GameStop any day over Hastings
  9. Ignoramoose isn't the kind of mod to mock someone, talk to him if you find other mods aren't helping, I he doesn't help try to earn back your trust by being kind on the forums and try to appeal again.
  10. I'm keeping mine for awhile....
    I change it every single week now.
  11. I didn't understand that. I thought Hastings was a battle or a castle or something :I
  12. xD Lol. There's a store called Hastings. They are like Books-A-Million, just also sell video games and CD's.
  13. Oh ok. there aren't Hastings in Madrid, instead we have La Casa del Libro :) I learned another thing yay
  14. Chascarrillo is spanish? :O My family on both sides comes from there! On my mum's side, my nan moved here from wales and her parents were spanish, my grandad moved here from ireland. My dad's grandad was born in spain and moved to England.
  15. Yes, I am Spanish! :) Are you? Where do you live? Do you speak spanish?
  16. Sparerer, I'm not sure if anyone else posted this. But this is what I think about YOLO

    I salute the U.S. Army
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  17. Twitch1 annoys me, he can make intelligent arguments...:p
  18. He's jealous of Alexchance, you, Josh and Dwight. Lol.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. Hola amigo :) Vivo Inglaterra. Estoy aprendiendo español
  20. Mándame un mensaje privado y te enseño :D