{Suggestion/whine} Impossible advancement send help

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by OhMiku, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. True
  2. I was also working on gaining all the advancements. I was working out in my head how to achieve the hidden advancement (without transporting mobs through portals) when it dawned on me... invisibility is nerfed! No way to get the hidden one or the all potion effects :(.

  3. Rules are rules, and I'm sure Staff have their reasons, but I personally never understood the point of either of these things. Also why would you not be able to name a guardian when you can other hostiles? Just curious as to the reasoning behind the rules.
    benthebobjr likes this.
  4. Pushing entities through portals allowed ghasts to be used to grief, or a dupe bug probably.
    Invis potions allowed people to grief whilst no one could see them, so they were off.
  5. The invs pots also allowed someone to use say x-ray or fly and no one could see them.

    They are not going to add them as more bad then good will come from them. I cant see why you need every achievement possible? Can you not just leave a few out? Does not gain anything from getting all them...
    benthebobjr likes this.
  6. I want to know the answer to this question. At my outpost I have multiple enclosures where I have captured, renamed and displayed various hostile mobs. One of the first ones I tried to capture was a guardian but I could not rename it. On this topic, the second mob I captured for my enclosure was a zombie pigman which did include luring it through a nether portal, so that is possible. I just hope wither skeletons can go through portals when I try the near impossible task of capturing one.
  7. Why would you want to make a museum? Does not gain anything from having it, it's just a goal you may have set for yourself.
  8. You can very easily make it so that when invis potions are used that it also gives the player the glowing effect. As chicken stated the devs are looking into it. Getting every achievement is something to do in MC, so it's something I want to do. I made it my goal to complete every achievement pre 1.12 and I did, so doing it now is just repeating that.
    chickeneer likes this.
  9. Go to staff-held events where chickeneer is present.

    607 likes this.
  10. Not sure what you mean by rules. I don't see how the rules have anything to do with this. :confused:

    As for the guardian thing. It was deemed a monster not to be made persistent. We could have a discussion about reassessing this, but advancements will not be a sufficient reason.

    Yeah. Entities through portals was extremely buggy with dupe bugs and what not when they were added. That is why they remain disabled for the time being.
    Invisible potions are just to op in that they hide your name tag. Staff members can still see invisible players when we are in spectator; but this does not solve the broader topic of being unable to identify a player for regular players or by people not in spectator. Ideally, if name tags were visible - we could potentially re-enable invisible potions.
    Mobs/monsters do not travel through portals.

    Most of these points are not necessarily set in stone. The current state of the code is why things are the way they are with these. None of them purely rules/policy.
    EmpireMall, 607 and Rundercaster like this.
  11. Yes. This is one option I have thought about (and think could work). Is always apply the glowing enchant when the invisibility effect is applied. Then the no name plate could be overlooked.

    Unfortunately this just hasn't been a priority issue. (sorry guys)
    607 and Rundercaster like this.
  12. As long as the thought is there.