[Suggestion] Should we add an Advertisement Chat Channel?

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Faithcaster, Jul 5, 2016.


Should we add an Advertise chat channel on EMC?

Yes 29 vote(s) 67.4%
No 14 vote(s) 32.6%
  1. I'm adverse to giving players a server-wide broadcast, period, so -1 from me. I can see where it'd be useful, but that doesn't mean I agree with the feature. I'm also of the opinion that Economy chat should be serving most of the "advertising" functions already.

    Some people don't want to see ads. That's why ad-blockers for browsers are so popular. :p
    Personally, even the server messages annoy me, but I fully understand why I can't turn them off. I can't say the same for player messages, however.

    The real problem isn't that any one person will abuse it, but rather that you'll have several people across all 10 SMPs using it, which will continually flood chat if you enable the feature. And of course, there are people who could use their alts to circumvent the time-limit, or ask friends to advertise for them. A timer restriction won't alleviate that problem.
    Dufne and ShelLuser like this.
  2. After playing for some longer periods this weekend while also paying more attention to things happening in town/economy chat I come to the same conclusion as Kephras up there, and I'm even following up on him.

    Sorry, but also a -1 from me.

    In the end more advertising can also become counter productive. People see so much advertisements that they end up ignoring the whole thing altogether because it annoys them. I know quite a few who have e-conomy chat fully turned off, just saying, and you won't win them back by adding an enforced advertisement channel. Quite frankly I fear you'd achieve quite the opposite there.

    Another thing: it's not as if you need to advertise in order to make rupees. I've done this a few times: start an auction under the 'Shell bump rule', something I made up: the auction would only get bumped once every day (roughly 24hrs) with the only optional exception happening near the end. I also never advertised my auctions in-game btw. Despite having the odds against me I still managed to make some good rupees.

    More isn't always better.
    Patr1cV, 607 and Kephras like this.
  3. tbh advertiser want you to see the ad weather you want it or not
    what would be the point if you could turn it off, i would use economy chat cuz everyone would see it
  4. The point is WE don't want to see it. Even now economy chat is disable able.
    edit- if you don't know how /chat hide economy
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. well if you don't see it then how can the people advertising earn there ruppes
  6. I like the idea if there was a away to manually disable just player broadcasts and not all broadcasts. A simple solution to the everyone using it problem is having a queue. The queue will span all of the servers. Say a player wants to put a message in the queue to be delivered. They use /queue <message> and their message will be added. You can only have 1 message in the queue at a time. If you want to edit your message, /queue edit <message> will edit the message as long as it hasn't been sent out yet. Internally, the server will keep a list of all messages that have been added and send out the next one every x minutes. To prevent massive queue times, the server can put a cap on the number of messages that can be placed in the queue. This will go along with the prevention of posting a new message before 3 hours have passed after your previous one.

    This would likely fix almost all of the problems with the idea.
    • Player doesn't want to see advertisements? They can disable player made advertisements.
    • Players could spam the system with messages? They can't because the queue ensures they are spread out and won't bombard players across the servers.
    • What will happen to the other chat channels? First, players can still post to economy and town if they have something they want to have a discussion about. Most of the time, players currently just say the message and leave immediately. No discussion is spawned by this since no one stays around.
    Finally, players are already accomplishing exactly what this system would do by using economy chat and server hopping. The purpose of this suggestion would be to help regulate that and prevent spam while providing more options for players. If a player only want to see local shops and events, they can turn on economy chat while turning off player ads. Meanwhile, staff members can use their own channel to ensure event messages get to everyone. (something kryssy brought up earlier on). Along with the suggestion could be the outlawing of economy chat server hopping. This is something that should be easy to implement with the current spam filters.

    Overall, this would fix pretty much all of the problems many have with this idea while fixing problems that already exist. It seems like a win for everyone.
    SirGem, RainbowPony, Kephras and 2 others like this.
  7. exactly
  8. If the people wanted to look for something then they won't hide it. The people who hide it already know they do not want it. A good amount of people will probably not hide it if it exists, but those who want to are not lost rupees as their rupees are nother intended to be used for those reasons. Kinda rambling at this point, but whatever.
    Kephras and 607 like this.
  9. Just remember there will definitely be people who abuse it and say random stuff like "im a potatoe" or something stupid like that, and you can't really stop them.
    SirGem likes this.
  10. In my opinion, chat channels are pointless anyway. With the exception of /c r and /c l, everyone still sees the messages anyway and there's no way to filter between chat channels

    EDIT: jkrmnj educated me on the fact that you CAN hide individual chat channels by doing
    /chat hide [channel]

    Who knew, lol
    I am now all for this idea!
  11. Hey! There's nothing wrong with being a potatoe
    ESSELEM and Kephras like this.
  12. Actually, you can hide individual channels using /Chat [hide/show/toggle] [channel] and only view the ones you want.
    607 and Kephras like this.
  13. Following jkrmnj's suggestion, I'd queue a message myself:
    "Did you know? You can disable player broadcasts by [method here]"
    ...Or something to that effect.
    I get why some people want this, but personally I really, really hate the idea.
    jkrmnj and Keliris like this.
  14. I didn't know that, thanks! Now I'm all for this idea lol