(Suggestion) Remove derleict policy

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by aletrisrex, Apr 22, 2022.


You like to remove deriect policy?

Yes, just do it! 3 vote(s) 13.0%
No. Just keep like before 20 vote(s) 87.0%
  1. The automatic reclaiming system is the thing that needs the most work. Really it needs to prioritise residences of people who only logged in for a day and/or didn't actually build a single thing on the res. The ability to forceclaim is its whole other can of worms, but forceclaiming is such a small fraction of total derelict losses anyway.
  2. Once the aforementioned force claim system is in place, tie it to the automatic reclaiming system and put a very high priority on default value (empty/barely touched) plots.
    HazardousCode and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. as the saying goes... why "fix" something that was never "broken"? i don't think this would do any good and i think that it would go against one of EMC's long-standing attributes that is necessary
    Joy_the_Miner and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. This never broken thing was already fixed multiple times. I lost my shared res on smp1 after just 10 days of offline time back in the day. That was... annoying.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and FadedMartian like this.
  5. I certainly do see on occasion people get on and say, very discouraged, that they have lost their res. Maybe a compromise and extend the period to 60 days? From the server's perspective it should not negatively affect player base as players don't quit because they can't claim over other players reses and can't wait until 60 days anyway but it could still act to retain some players that can't get on within the 30 days. And it would be the kind thing to do. Are you proud of me for making a suggestion? Anybody?
  6. im proud of you, tuck tuck
  7. I'm assume most ppl doesnt like remove derleict policy. But i will keep this thread open for discuss to everyone and beyond. In case if some ppl want to bump this thread. Feel free to do that
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.