[Suggestion] Higher vote bonus extends derelict limit timer

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Tuqueque, Apr 1, 2018.


Like the idea?!

Yes! 14 vote(s) 73.7%
Meh 2 vote(s) 10.5%
Why are you derelict? 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Nope! I want most of my SMP with empty reses anyways 3 vote(s) 15.8%
  1. The system has been modified in the past to include a more advanced derelict requirement for newer players that join, then disappear, but once you get to 30 days, everyone is the same. Extending this will put a lot of pressure on available residences.
    luckycordel and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Well don't know if its possible, but it would be interesting to see the numbers changes, if Tom's idea hypothetically occurs.

    I mean, like in the last month

    Reses saved:
    Number of available reses Net: (if it would be positive or negative
  3. Ok I'm going to say this....
    I saw earlier something like "a friend would only vote if they were certain the player'd return".. that's not always true. I know, because I did that for someone I was hoping would one day return, for the longest time, once a week to buffer them.
    And foreclaim happens if someone *wants* that res for whatever reason, but I think it should be changed to where it's only after 6 months you can do it, like it is for requesting buildmode protection removal.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  4. To clarify, your suggestion is to change forceclaim to after 6 months???
  5. Yep.

    Edit: i... may or may not make a forum thread for that suggestion, but just tossing it out... see, I didn't normally forceclaim unless it was over 6 months (180 (?) days). (i am at 4 reses now)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. Whoops I've forceclaimed like more than 15 residences, some only hours after becoming derelict... :p (to be fair, I still have all those residences. :))

    I personally do agree with this, it's also the way I do it - voting is just a "backup" I don't need. I agree, 30 days is really generous. :) The reason I like this suggestion is not to help myself, but because I feel like it might help some others, and I personally know from the past (a friend's residence in 2013) how much having a residence removed by dereliction sucks, and how quickly it sometimes can go, so I like this suggestion because I think it can help "accidental" derelictions, where people don't really intend to go derelict, but it just sort of happens.

    Sometimes time goes by quicker than you expect. It's been 22 days since I logged in all (except my main, which is 11 days ago) my accounts, but it doesn't feel like that. I don't really notice how long it's been already, until I log back in and see "18 days ago", "14 days ago", and soon "22 days ago" or more, and am surprised every time again. I know I won't lose my residences because I structurally vote every day, and haven't missed a day in months (apart from when I was away with school a few weeks ago), but some others might not be that well organised in this regard.
    607 and Tuqueque like this.
  7. im not so sure about this, b/c we already get so much.

    i also play on some other servers sometimes and the best u get is a few rewards when u vote, but only if ur online. and when u go idle then ur toast even when ur the top voter.

    if ur worried about derelict then vote everyday. only takes a few minutes, you save up some cool rewards and even if a site goes bonkers then u wont lose ur res right away. or get a derelict protection (im actually saving up for one ^.^).
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. I have had cases that it pulls the closest to the center of town. I have multiple cases of members lasting over 100 days since a login on the outer rings. What it should do is pull the ones that are oldest like my example. I do want to note that I shouldn't be ranting about you and derailing this thread... Whoops

    As a player who logs on every 30 days to keep direlect status afloat, it's more than efficient. It's a month, it isn't hard to log in once. If you vote too, you can extend that month. If you have a case that you can't log in within that month, just message Krysyy about it. She's can understand, well I hope at least ;) Summary, this idea isn't needed
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. The derelict system definitely does not favor the center of the town, namely because it doesn't even run in game!

    For anyone curious on the code: https://gist.github.com/aikar/9c8295b9e97c43c7e7e49a2d42943bb1

    Basically, it says give me a list of accounts currently derelict, ordered by account age.

    So the system favors newer players over old. An older player should only be hit if we run out of eligible newer players.

    However, the system was broken for a long time and let a lot of people get away with derelict, so there was a bunch of old accounts.

    I did a massive purge of those after I fixed it, but there were still some older. they will not be removed until the need for new residences outpaces the rate of abandoned new players, so thats why you still see some old res's not reclaimed.

    Now, all of this logic is completely separate from the force claim system. the only thing they share is "are you considered derelict"

    force claim requires intent to claim a specific residence, and is eligible when the player is deemed derelict.

    we've had issues in the past where players voted for long abandoned players once a month just to keep their res from being derelict. It wasn't even the owner of the res voting.

    We have no way to verify who is voting for a player. We don't want people holding onto abandoned residences just because they dont want to see it go. If the player has left, then it needs to go.

    Voting once a week is a fair interval for people who can't login. If someone needs to go on vacation and doesn't want to vote, and they do truely care about their EMC residence, then they can simply log in, and be reset to a full 30 days!

    This isn't complicated.

    This all boils down to "I don't even want to login, but I want you to hold my stuff anyways.".

    If you are going on vacation, we have a process for that too, you can PM SS and have a temporary protection put in place.
    This is documented here:


    About the only thing I can get behind is restricting use of force claim on veteran players who has logged in within 60 days and voted within past 30 days.

    Essentially giving them a 60 day derelict window IF they vote against force claim only, but still subject to the 30/7 rules according to automated reclaiming.

    The automated reclaiming is only going to reclaim them if the pressure is high and we really need a residence, and everyone else is even less of a candidate than the targeted player.

    However the force claim system lets players choose a residence, and admittedly, fairly (the player is derelict, noone should shame a player for force claiming a veterans res, even if it was done with ill intent).

    So restricting risk of that against older, potentially still active players, is something I'm ok with.

    If a player does have other players voting for them, they still have to login once every 60 days while maintaining the voting to maintain that extra ingame protection (again, it would not give any extra protection to automated reclaiming, so the player will still be at risk!)

    If the player does truely quit, and players keep voting for them, it would only be same as today once they cross 60 days gone.

    I don't know when I'll be able to work on this kind of stuff though.


    I want to close that it has also been a long desire for us to also back up residences before they are derelicted. I truely do want us to try to get this done soon, it's just hard to prioritize. I'll see if anyone on the team feels up to the challenge to try to tackle this.

    If we got this done, we would be able to back up a residence before resetting it, and in cases of accidents or long term returns, we can (within reason), perform restores when they come back to a new residence.