[Suggestion] Flags

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by Unoski, Dec 4, 2021.



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  1. Flags
    GUI Appeal

    Although the GUI is the main way I operate most things EMC, it doesn't appeal to me. This is entirely opinion-based, so feel free to disregard.

    I'll be honest, I have no clue what is happening when I look at the flags. It's all gray. I believe that it needs to reflect the effective state. To have light gray represent effective state true and false is overall just confusing.

    Reflecting States:
    EMC is using dye, which I will always be against, to indicate usage. And probably what may be considered a war crime: using pink instead of red. May be a technicality thing, but I don't know. I think glass panes are the cleanest way to show such toggles.

    Flags and Subflags:
    This will probably be the most controversial part. There are a lot of flags and subflags. Some of which can be considered too much, but I think that is because of how little categorization there is. Originally, the flags were simple. Build, Container, Use, and Move. Although a lot of flags are super nice to have, they can overcomplicate the system. How do we simplify it without removing the niceness of rich features? Illusion of simplicity.

    Enter the new flag GUI

    Pretty simplistic, right? This here outlines the most basic permissions up top along with categories to narrow down just what you are looking for below. The dyes are replaced with glass panes to tell you what exactly the permissions are. Below I list what each item represents:
    • Bedrock: Admin
    • Leather Boots: Move
    • Button: Use
    • Brick: Build
    • Chest: Container
    Those are the basic foundations of which people use. Now for the proposed categories along with the flags enclosed in them:
    *Please note that the names of the flags are not in order.

    • Diamond Boots: Advanced Movement
      • enderpearl, chorusfruit (new main flag), glide, grouptp, namedtp, tp
    • Compass: View all flags
      • all of the flags
    • Bookshelf: Advanced Building
      • place, destroy, redstone
    • Furnace: Empire Utilities
      • createshop, fsign, vault, trade, shop
    • Grass: Nonplayer Specific
      • animaldamage, explode, firespread, flow, piston
    • Spyglass: Interact
      • armorstand, buffs, boat, bonemeal, bucket, combust, firework, fish (pullentity, new subflag), ignite, item, lectern, itemframe, minecart, pressure
    • Villager Egg: Player-Mob Interactions
      • dye, eggify, feed, kill, villager, tame, spawn, horse, leash
    Subflags are accessed the same way and toggling is done the same way. A back to menu button, a better one should be made, is present on each page.
    Proof of concept for the container flag, with added containers:
    Feedback is welcome below.

    Furthermore, there are some small gripes:
    • EMC claims the correct command for flags is /res set [res] <flags> <state>
      • Doing "/res set 5911 move false" or similar results in an error and there is no clarification on whether the [res] is a player name or a res #. After some testing, I now realize is means the player name.
    • The following commands would be very nice to have, to maintain the command structure.
      • /res set default
      • /res pset unoski default
    Ryko369, 607, wafflecoffee and 4 others like this.
  2. me likey :+1:
    Unoski likes this.
  3. Wow, you elaborated on this a lot!

    I haven't used the GUI myself, and I tested it out to get some more context.
    Here are two snippets of how it is currently:

    I do think panes would look and function better.
    The grey is used to indicate unset flags. I'm not really sure why you would want red or green instead, as to get to a page with sub flags you need to click on a main flag, and you will have seen whether that one's red or green, and you can also just hover over one of the grey flags.
    That said, I also can't think of any scenarios where it would be very useful to have the grey ones.
    Unoski likes this.
  4. The grey actuallly indicates flags that are set to "default." This is actually really important for subzones as if the flag is set to default in the subzone, it keeps the parent res's flags. This helps keep managing subzone flags simpler as you can just do /res default when you want to return the subzone's flag states to what the res's flags are. I use this feature a lot with my auction area, and it'd be really annoying to have to manually set flags back and forth. I think it may be more appropriate to change the "default" glass pane color to blue or light blue, so it doesn't blend in with the inventory interface and stands out a bit more.
    Unoski likes this.
  5. Unset flags still have a value is the thing. But I do see the purpose of for the main flags to have a 3rd color option to indicate mixed use of the subflags. But when all the subflags are the same color? It should be green.

    Having to hover over each flag to see the status because I don't know whether it is true or false is not fun.

    Default isn't super useful though. I may be inclined to agree that used 2 shades of green and 2 shades of red (red and orange) to indicate default true/false and set true/false. But when I look at flags, I don't want to know if the flags are "default." I want to know if they are true or false, and that should not require me to check each individual one like an encyclopedia.
  6. Exactly. But how would making the representation red or green counteract this use? The unset/default behaviour would still be the same in Unoski's suggestion, if I'm not mistaken, the visual representation would just be different.