[Suggestion Feedback] Shop Listings

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by chickeneer, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. Remember when the concept of having /shop buy items was discussed as a way of giving new players a guaranteed market to sell some basic items? That was a great idea. Then a ton of people chimed in and it all got complex and in the end went nowhere. This reminds me of that.

    Keep the acronym KISS in mind.

    Oh, and that many of us are still awaiting "Empires", DT, etc. :)
    bloodra1n and Kytula like this.
  2. Lol. You just had to rub that in! I need to add a major note on this that this is all discussion and should not be a considered promised feature (Until I say otherwise).

    I had never heard that acronym before. I actually wanted to keep it rather simple at first. Problem is that if I would have put out a survey of what people wanted with open response. Every single response would have been different. I want to approach this in such a way that it is not directly manipulating the economy such as the thread you linked. But just connecting the players.
    bloodra1n and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Sounds like a great idea to me, +shop is pretty useless if you ask me
    bloodra1n and Kytula like this.
  4. Question,

    How will you be able to tell if someone really has a Shop or a Mall? Like, wont some players get it, but not even have a shop, or just one shop sign, but have it under a Mall section?
    bloodra1n and ShelLuser like this.
  5. That would just be an inherent and basic flaw in anything system controlled. What I would hope to accomplish is not the end all be all solution. Just something to start connecting players.

    I will be brainstorming throughout this week. But I do have other projects to work on. IF (no promises from me) we would implement something, I would expect it would be at least 6 months from now before I could even start on it. So this is more of a grasping thought.

    The more complicated of a feature, the longer it takes to dev. The longer it takes to dev, the more likely it will be bumped down in priority.

    Note: 6 months corresponds to my summer time which I would generally have more time. Not just an arbitrary waiting time.
  6. As an aside, is there any way in the meantime that "/v +_____" can take into account the shops you've already recently visited and not take you to the same darn shop ten times in a row when there are half a dozen shops with the same tag? Or can you add a "/list +_____" command that will give you a list of shops with that tag?
    bloodra1n and jkrmnj like this.
  7. That is already a thing
    /Res list +shop
    Command isn't perfect but it is there

    Edit: I am actually going to lock this thread. It has served its purpose for now. I will let you all know if we decide to move forward on this at some point. You may still message me if you think I am missing something important for this discussion.
    bloodra1n, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
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