[Suggestion Feedback] Shop Listings

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by chickeneer, Dec 18, 2016.

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  1. Edit: Closed since I have received the feedback I originally desired. Lots of good information in this thread. If you have more to add, feel free to shoot me a message. Other projects are on the list to complete first.

    A few months back I posted a thread asking for suggestions. That has not came to fruition yet due to time constraints on my end, but I am still hoping to make it happen eventually.

    Anyways, on to the purpose of this thread:
    I am interested in hearing player's thoughts on a server regulated player shop hub. This would serve as a place for players to find shops on that server other than just /v +shop.
    My initial thoughts were that players would have to subscribe to list their shop for a small fee (small enough that all can afford). The purpose of subscribing is that they have to renew it every X days (Keeps the shop list current). If they don't renew, the advertising spot would be removed automatically.

    All this so far would be easy to do on the server side. Where I need help, is with how you would expect this to look like. Would we have the system allow players to have a 3x3 area to build their shop descriptions/what-not with a tp to their shop? Do we just have the residence number with a tp pad? Do we do it all in a chest interface? Something else entirely?
    You all are rather creative, so I am curious what you can come up with. I am not looking for feedback on the specific designs of the containing building/location. I am more interested in the layout and semantics of the individual shop advertisements.

    We already have ideas for an overall shop system overhaul which would introduce a quickbuy option, but this would be a separate project, and is of lower priority at the moment compared to other features. Just looking for ideas for the future!
  2. I think a chest interface, with separate different sections for different types of shops would work, or maybe a building using tp pads and small rooms for each shop, also split into shop type would work well.
    ShelLuser, NuclearBobomb, 607 and 2 others like this.
  3. +100
    I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this!

    Though it's hard for me to separate the two:
    I think maybe having a colored floating advertisment text attached to an item representing the type of shop it is, above the tp to that shop?

    Idk...I will think on it some more.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Take all the time you need. The separation, I intended is that I don't want people sending me world downloads with a proposed building which would hold these shop listings.
    607, Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  5. Ah ok! In my mind for whatever reason I just see the tp hub being tacked on to /town. Since the flag shop is there, along with the tps to the other smps. But like you said this isn't the topic on hand ^^

    I've always found that the individual shop advertisements was the hardest part for me in listing shops at my directory. I don't want to have a wall of signs explainin each shop. So for certain specialty shops and in town utilities I would have certain blocks representing that shop. Or place an item frame, or banner to represent it.

    I also just for fun have the shop owners head if possible, above their spot.
    607, Equinox_Boss and chickeneer like this.
  6. I like simplicity. Having a single sign for each shop with a TP pad would suffice. Allow each shop owner to place their shop TP by category (i.e. Food, General, Mega-Mall, etc.).

    Offer larger plot areas for a higher price-point where shop owners can advertise their shops with eye-candy displays.

    Include an instructional area to guide players to find other player shops that might be available but not currently listed.
    AnonReturns, 607, jkrmnj and 3 others like this.
  7. I fell a shop interface would be the best way to do it i love using /cpset and /cset for residence flag maybe the chest interface flag could be something like /cshop or something like that. This is something that will obviously be done because the BAWK BAWK BAWK chicken suggested it +2345614363q52467364363643 ERROR +1 :D
    Equinox_Boss, chickeneer and Kytula like this.
  8. You fell trees.
    NuclearBobomb and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. It would be in an area probably similar to /shop. The location is something we can sort out later. I already have ideas on that that I don't necessarily need feedback on at this time.

    Mainly with specifics on how to divide into categories of shops.

    I like some of these ideas. One thing I am struggling with, is how to make this dynamic as well. I don't want it to be just like town where you have the 'spawn residences'. Regardless of the implementation, someone's shop advertisement/listing will always be seen first. Premium spots sounds like a good idea. This then makes me ponder how the actual layout would be. All in a row, multiple floors, hmm.
  10. Could do more than 1 medium with the same information if we designed it well.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. Maybe the residence number of the shop can help with the order of the shop tps? Since it seems players are already paying to have lots close to spawn; maybe start with the shops closest to /town and then radiate out? Then that way if a player frequents the /townshops often they will see there's some pattern to it vs. It being random.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Would it be possible to periodically move the tp location to a random location so that all of the shops are potentially getting equal attention?

    Perhaps this could be linked with location tags and used to clean them up. We could be allowed to link a location like +pabshop and post it so it can be used as a shortcut. Then if we allow our subscription to expire the linked tag is deleted.
  13. Yeah. That is entirely possible and something I have considered. Coming up what that looks like, is where I am getting stuck. How to randomly distribute people while also keeping things relatively close together. (not spreading far apart).

    How many shops per server does everyone think would use this at one time? Assuming they have to renew about every 30 days.
    ShelLuser, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  14. Um, EMC Shops and Attractions V2. That's been your alternative to the useless /v +shop for the past two years. I'll keep carrying the water until you set up something better :rolleyes:

    Okay, sarcasm aside, I've been thinking about this same thing. So, do a better job in the tutorial discussing player shops (see later description of tp locations and floating notices to emulate in /tutorial). Put a tp to player shops (/pshops) in /town right next to the /shop one and also on the main floor of /shop, probably where you usually set up the promos (right in front of you you when you tp in) with the floating notice as is, but telling them to /pshops or use the tp ahead for the best deals. Set up the player shop hub under the town spawn - put it where the smp tps are because those are also useless. Use the subscribing and renewal process as you've stated, but don't be to cheap, rupees are out there for voting each and every day. Done.
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and chickeneer like this.
  15. I appreciate your listing! During my time pre-staff, one of my efforts was to try and collect other shops/residences to setup tp signs to on my own residence. I failed horribly with the creativity/design of it, but I wanted people to connect with each other.

    I have a bit grander idea on where to put it, than simply underneath spawn. But we shall see.
    I agree with not making it too cheap. I want it to be an amount that is affordable to all, yet also not destroy any/all profits the shop may make. So we may consider the voting offset when determining a price.
  16. So chicken the reason why I would use the shop interface just like the cheat interface is let's say we use the players head as the shop tp but when you hover over the players head it gives you all the info like megamall small shop ect maybe you could almost create tabs so one tab could be malls another could be speciality shop ect. I'm not a huge fan of the whole structure thing because you actually have to move to get to a specific area where the interface option is gold!
    Equinox_Boss and Kytula like this.
  17. I am thinking it would be better to have both. I like the physical structure for the reason that this is a building game. More opportunities to be creative!

    I also going to encourage staff members to participate in this discussion. I like the idea of different categories. Possibly not just shops (so possibly builds also). Would need a different name if we would include that as well. (Would have at least a couple aliases).

    Thoughts on cost?
    If we provide a physical space, how big?
  18. I suggest you get to the location with /Market

    Possible Categories:
    • Mega Malls (every MC item)
    • Malls (many items)
    • Shops (some items)
    • Specialty Shops (specific items)
    • Museums
    • Architectural Marvels
    • Libraries (Books for Reading)
    • Casinos
    • Games (spleef, mazes, parkour, firefloor etc)
    • Public Farms
    *I will edit with further suggestions when I think of them. :)
  19. What if it was designed on a 124x124 res (One of the 4 large EMC plots on each server). From there you can design it like a Mall you would see in real life, have it setup with floors, and TP's to the floors and corners of each floor. From there each TP would have a Section, where it can be say 10x10 and allow players to list what items they sell, if they allow bulk buying as well as a Custom Designed Portal they can build.

    As for the payments, once they pay they can go there any time and edit their rooms. If they fail to pay on the due date, they are warned in the mail once or twice a day, (Or if you can on the forums for those who have malls but are not as active in game). but after say 2 weeks, their shop TP would be lost. (But to allow players not to abuse the late system, there would be a Late Fee).

    What do you think of that idea?

  20. We would probably do it in its own world, so we don't run into the problem of running out of room ever. Although in the big squares is always a possibility!
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