[Suggestion] Bring back the Invisibility

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by CaptainFoxy_, Aug 30, 2019.

  1. But secret alts sneaking up on people sounds cooler ;)

    Edit: to actually say something on topic with the thread, I think it would be sort of fun to use invisibility potions, but there's little purpose in it. Maybe it could be used in events somehow if turned back on? :confused:
    607 and AncientTower like this.
  2. +9001

    Maybe also add a res flag that disables the potion's effect so people who dont want to be spied on can keep their privacy
  3. I really don't care for invisibility, but with res flags I also don't see a reason why they aren't allowed.

  4. Only mods's main accounts have moderator privileges though, not their alts. :)
  5. I got that covered too man!
    NuclearBobomb and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  6. I do not feel like this would actually boost the economy. Not seriously enough to even be used as a reason to do it.

    However, since it is a flag on the res (if implemented as suggested) then there is no real reason to NOT allow it. Nametags over a player are still a thing, so you would immediately know who the invis player is.

    I think this is one of those more goofy things that might cause some comic drama on EMC and since that has been done with snowballs, chicken eggs, and xp potions already.... why fight it ??

    For anyone who is worried about it - may I also suggest that there could be an "antidote" potion be made available that can render the invis-player back to visable ? (Perhaps a special item for just emc ? as I know that is not vanilla)
    Perhaps it is a thrown potion against the sneaky invis player or could be used by me to see anyone who is invis?
  7. Since when? I checked the Minecraft Wiki but couldn't find anything about this.
  8. In multi player if you go up to a player you see there name sometimes above them. Idk when it started
  9. I laughed out loud when you said you could imagine a Villager and Comander moment, and because I can imagine that too, +1

    (on an unrelated note, the comic you requested will be out this weekend, I promise)
    ConductorConduit likes this.