Speaking my mind

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by raidinggod101, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. You are not the only one
    *I did not read previous replies yet.

    Everytime I am on SMP4 and a new player joins, I say "Welcome the the EMPIRE!"

    There is everybody
    "Watch the caps"
    "wach ur caps bruh"

    I just want to scream at them "I KNOW THE F**** RULES"
  2. welcome the the^

    and if you screamed like that youd be using caps again!
  3. Yeah..
  4. Idea: Watch somebody use some caps
    Watch people spam "Caps"
    Say "Stop spamming :)"
  5. then you would be breaking another rule, then ANOTHER person will tell you to stop spamming the "stop spamming", then it will repeat for ever, lol.
  6. The self-appointed police are more annoying than the occasional one-word caps use, in my honest opinion.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. In agreement with the OP. As a matter of fact, my first thread on EMC was pretty much the same topic. Sometimes people just need to be reminded to use a bit of common sense in their day-to-day... :rolleyes:
    OrangeDuck607 likes this.