SOMEWHAT MASSIVE PROMO and 300,000r+ Giveaway. Giving away all Promos I own!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Otus_NigRum, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. Since my level of activity on EMC is extremely low, and unfortunately, my golden days on the server are dry, I am going to be giving away all of my promos and a large abundance of 300,000+ rupees. The reason for this is because I find no point in promos. Keeping "special" items in your chest forever makes no real sense to me. I notice others find joy in it though, and I want those people to experience that joy.

    Here's how it will go, I will be giving away ONE promo per person, and 100,000 rupees to THREE lucky people! I will also be giving away 2,000 rupees to everyone who entered!

    I know the items I have suck, but collecting promos was never my thing. So here is my tiny collection for my brothers and sisters! Don't make fun of it for being so small! I have bigger things! I promise!:

    1st CHEST:

    Sharpshooter - DMGed (I don't know how much damaged stuff is worth, but its something for someone :)
    Marlix Boots - damaged
    Remote Shop Sign
    Blizz Ard's Nose
    2018 Birthday Cake
    2018 Birthday Cookie
    Haunted Head
    Heart of the Manor
    Turkey Slicer
    Holiday Axe
    Lucky Bow
    Minecon earth hat
    A signed book by me giving relationship advice.
    Happy Birthday EMC 2018 - Signed by Kryssy and Aikar. (You get both books)

    All you must do is choose ONE Promo from the chest, as well as the 100,000 rupees if you desire.

    Once you have picked a promo, please explain why you deserve that Promo, and I may reward you with it. This also counts as an AMA so you may ask anything if you like, but it is only OPTIONAL

    As for the cash, ask for it separately and tell me why you need it.

    This may sound confusing so here is an example:

    Timothy Dequavis says:
    "I would like:

    The Turkey Slicer Promo, because I have never gotten a promo before.

    I would also like the 100,000 cash reward because I am really poor and I'm working on a really cool castle that needs a lot of materials.

    Also, what's your favourite colour?"

    If you're still confused, here's a better explanation. Choose ONE Promo from the chest, give a proper explanation for why YOU need that promo, and then if YOU WANT, you can enter in for the 100,000 rupees, but also please give a proper explanation for why you need that cash prize.




    If you have any questions, concerns or confusions, please PM me or ask on this thread. Thanks!

    Also, can someone remind me when the giveaway ends because I forget easily. Good luck!

  2. MineCon hat - I was not able to get in game that day to collect one due to college homework....

    As for the 100k rupees... leave me out lol, I have too much r already.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  3. I would like:

    Happy Birthday EMC 2018 Books, because I have not got them and They are really cool

    I would also like the 100,000 cash reward because I am really poor and I'm working on a really cool museum that needs a lot of materials.

    Also, what's your favourite thing about EMC?"
    Envine likes this.
  4. i Would like the haunted head, because i use the haunted candy for mini boss fights on difficulty 10 and also use it for mob arenas. Another renewable source of haunted candy would be awesome. thank you :D Dont bother with the 2k. i dont need it, give it to the next person to reply haha
    anyway, is this all your promos?

    heres a few pictures
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  5. All the promos on my res atleast. I do believe I have a few somewhere around the frontier in my outposts, but thats literally all. You can tell how much I don't care for promos :p
    Envine likes this.
  6. My favourite thing would have to be the forums.
  7. I would like the happy birthday 2018 books I think I deserve them because I will be using them in my dp soon

    I would also like the 100k cash to use for my promo museum
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  8. Nice!
    I would maybe like the Heart of the Manor, as I'd never heard of it, but I can't even find it on the Wiki, and if I'm not sure what it's from, I'm not sure if I want it... :p
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  9. I would be most pleaswd to have the book signed by your esteemed self. Why? As I am building a library in my tower and trying to create a large collection of books to preserve them in the community. Currently at about 5 dc's and the more the merrier !

    Hoping you have a rockin' holiday season :)

    And q? What is your favorite snack???? Har.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  10. i would love to have the "heart of the manor" as i wasn't able to be active enough while the event lasted
    and so wasn't able to get said item.
    i'm also a collector and it's one of the few items i'm missing :)

    as for the question, how did you get started with minecraft?

    thanks for this giveaway and happy holiday season :)

    edit: i'm sorry, i did not see 607's post
    so ignore the part of what i want :)
    607 and Otus_NigRum like this.
  11. The lucky now because I wasn’t around to get a chance to try and win one

    100k to buy emeralds :p
    Foxy_Kitty, Otus_NigRum and Envine like this.
  12. Oh man, I hope that this isn't the beginning of the end for you!

    I'm going to miss you if this ends up turning into a "goodbye thread" somewhere else on the forums... :(
    Foxy_Kitty and Otus_NigRum like this.
  13. FYI This collection doesnt suck :p

    Well i would like to get the 2018 cookie, Why? well As Some people know i Collect bday cookies!

    as for a Question!
    Do you like tv show theme songs?
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  14. First off thank you for doing this and happy holidays!

    I would like the holiday axe as I missed it and have lost all the auctions to buy one, also I don't have any axe promos in my collection. :(

    I suppose it wouldn't hurt to throw my hat into the ring for the 100k. The reason being I'm going to be finally building my residence (after many years and multiple failed builds) and would like some money to buy materials for the roof as it will be built out of a block that is too time consuming for me to get myself.

    Finally a question, what is your favourite mob (emc and regular)?
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  15. Also, if I wasn't clear you can choose other promos other people have chosen because this isn't a first come first serve policy, it's basically whoever I think deserves it most wins it. In that case, you may be disappointed, and i'm sorry :( I can bump the 2,000 rupees to 4,000 rupees for every individual who joined though! I don't need the money!

    EDIT: I won't bump the prize money, I don't want to be broke and not be able to give others large amounts of cash :p
  16. Prize for completeing the halloween event manor
    607 likes this.
  17. I'd like the happy birthday EMC book if possible - I've been collecting books signed by moderators / staff for a while, going all the way back to moderators such as bob23646. If not, no worries! Thanks for doing this
  18. Something a long the lines of Ms. Vickie Chips

    My sister's boyfriend at the time (now husband) got me into it when I was 9.
    that's fine, you can still enter in for the same prize because I'll choose which of the two whoever gets it.

    Yes, especially 80s guitar solos, those are the best.

    The villager! They look funny but trade well!
    Foxy_Kitty and IronicSwordPlay like this.
  19. -_-
    Otus_NigRum and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  20. Holiday axe- I would really like to have an axe promo to add to my small collection. I seem to constantly need axes but never have them around :p

    I would like to have the 100,000r to work on my Skybridge OP up at smp5, or run it towards my future build way out in the wild. I hope it to be a sort of replica of my favourite book series Matched, by Ally Condie. If you want a better explanation you may ask :D
    Otus_NigRum likes this.