Some Suggestions.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Stnywitness, Sep 28, 2019.


Like These Suggestions?

Yup 4 vote(s) 40.0% 5 vote(s) 50.0%
Nope 1 vote(s) 10.0%
  1. I like the ideas, but I think almost all of them are either WIP or previously denied. Except for the one about events, that one is up in the air and I agree. Finding ways to host more large scale events like firefloor and have them planned way ahead of time would be pretty cool. One issue with this though I think is that the mods and SS who are active enough to do this is a small fraction of the actual official staff team, and the staff who are actually regularly active are almost all already hosting at least one event. I think it comes down to the issue of finding people to host.
    Funnily enough, I'm going to post sometime soon about an idea I've been working on, Player-sponsored events. No reason why certain games can't be played with players hosting rather than staff, and can't be advertised on the main EMC feed like staff-hosted events are. Like I said though, more to come on this later.
    KatydidBuild and 607 like this.
  2. Something is in talks behind scenes that may beat you to the punch =P
    HazardousCode and Stnywitness like this.
  3. That's a weird way of saying "Your ideas are staff-team quality" :p
    KatydidBuild and HazardousCode like this.
  4. More like 'staff notices a need for something to help this too. We aren't blind/deaf to issues that could use some resolving'. :p
  5. speaking of this, are we going to update to the new xenforo soon?
    Stnywitness and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  6. +

    I second this question. I think the website would benefit from using a more modern architecture. :)
    Stnywitness likes this.
  7. It's okay, you don't have to say it. I'll be sure to drop a fresh staff application later today :)
    HazardousCode and Stnywitness like this.
  8. There are a lot of ways that the forums are integrated into the server (voting, forum pass, etc etc etc). It's likely that updating forums would require substantial reworking of how those systems work and they simply don't have the time to do that, especially since there are no problems with the existing setup.
    607, Krysyy, ThaKloned and 1 other person like this.
  9. Nope, probably not. Aikar has done a lot of hacking of the original code, a lot of which is vital to EMC's functioning (Extendingskys already named examples). This makes it a lot harder to update (sorry for using 'a lot' thrice :p). Also, newer versions of XenForo have a lot more options than this one had (oops... fice?), which will bring the need for considerations about decisions to make. I'm afraid that the only person right now who can really work on this is Aikar himself, who is of course busy working on the Minecraft updates.

    This is incorrect, though. Since a certain critical error was resolved (maybe it had to do with 2-factor authentication? I'm not sure about the details), it is impossible to list someone's threads. This is a big deal to me. Apparently not to you, but I'm sure there are others who are missing the ability to check if someone's recently made new threads, or go looking through your own threads.
  10. I agree with 607, I have some issues with the site too. I may have replies to my posts but the notifications do not list it. The only way I will know is if I go to every thread and see if someone has responded...

    It's not frequent, but it's happened enough that I know it's not me simply "missing" a reply, because it does not appear in my inbox either. I think the notification system could use work, this should not be happening...
    Stnywitness likes this.
  11. I was not aware of this issue. Though, I imagine it affects a fairly small percentage of the users, I can't imagine very many people go around checking for what threads someone has made.

    That might be with your settings, I've never had that issue before.

    Regardless, the forums work well. I'd much rather aikar and the squad focus on 1.14, Empires, and chasing in game bugs than spend time trying to migrate the forums to a new system. It's a minecraft server after all, the server itself should be priority numero uno.
    607 likes this.
  12. I also don't know of this bug, so maybe you are mistaken: check your Watched Threads. :) In case you're wondering why you sometimes don't get alerts anymore: you have missed an alert once, or not gone to the latest page after getting the alert. But if you check your Watched Threads frequently it's not a big deal.
    I'm sorry if you already knew all this and you are in fact experiencing a rare bug!
    Burki likes this.
  13. tbf, I always struggle to find my own slightly old threads that I want. Would love to see the issue fixed but definitely not high priority
    HazardousCode, Joy_the_Miner and 607 like this.
  14. I find it hard to imagine that when the feature still worked, most people didn't often use it. :p But hey, you might be right. I am one of the most involved people on the forum, after all, and others might care much less.
  15. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" doesn't seem like a logical reason to not upgrade to a better system for the forums. If everything worked that way in reality, 0 progress would be made. (Or at least progress would be dampened to the point that we'd probably still be in the "Iron Age" right now).

    "Because there's no need to progress" is a weak argument for why we shouldn't strive to improve and progress ourselves, but that's just my take on the subject~ ^^
  16. I agree. It feels like some weird early 2000's forum hosting website service. I wish the navigation/search was more efficient and intuitive than simply "post, username, title". Keywords would be nice, with operators, but... that's just something I dream of. :rolleyes:
    Stnywitness likes this.
  17. Also, when Aikar did attempt to fix it, it resulted in major log-in problems for certain users. So being able to log in took priority over being able to search threads easily. What can I say? Xenforo is quite the temperamental beast some days.
  18. It’s not a matter of not wanting to progress. Sure, there are a million things I’d love to have aikar and the devs do. But it comes down to limited time and resources. Right now they’re probably focused entirely on empires and 1.14. Feel free to check the dev tracker and see for yourself. I’m not arguing that all the problems shouldn’t be fixed, I’m just arguing that they are substantially lower priority than literally anything else I can think of, lol.