So Guys I need Help with my Hubby!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by krisfair1, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. NOOOOO! That wasn't such a good idea :( I got such a hangover....
  2. My dad was 24 at marriage, and my mother 22. Don't feel so bad :p.
  3. I don't feel bad. Was merely joking about the (Yes, at 14, a girlfriend) statement within parenthesis. haha
    snozles likes this.
  4. I don't even know why I wrote that. I realized that last night, but not at this moment, just woke up :p I have ADD so I kinda get distracted easily.
  5. No worries. :p
    I was just having some fun. No harm done either side. :D
  6. Good, wouldn't wanna get in trouble with my favorite Moderator :p
  7. I actually know a person whos parents are 18 years apart.

    let the awkward silence begin
  8. My parents are 18 years apart.
    *awkward silence*
  9. Other than you i meant. :p
  10. What is your rank, I always support persons in the U.S Army.
  11. What?
  12. I think he is talking about the iPhone game with a frog-thing named Om-Nom. Though it doesn't make much sense to me, either.
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  13. Nom-Nom eats desserts!
  14. I make a sick mac & cheese! By the way, how about mini brownies w/ giradelli chocolate in the middle?
  15. How have I missed this thread? D: had to read the whole thing to understand what it is about...
  16. Is...*cough* SOMEONE it's going to get mad. C=
  17. Who? :confused:
  18. my parents are only 9 years apart, i thought that was odd XD
  19. Some good chicken....
    roblikescake likes this.