SMP9 nearly conquered by lag

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by datNilex, May 23, 2013.

  1. You probably should just wipe your hard drive and start all over again, that's what I did on my old computer when it got these.
  2. and i have not built any new redstone contruations in 3 weeks in fact i tore a few down so aint me people

    but i have been noticing the lag spikes and seen tps dip a few times

  3. Yup, just a lot of lag spikes ;) Any idea Aikar? Cause it is pretty annoying :(
  4. these laggspikes are like 5-10 secs, it happens frequently(2 ea 15mins) in smp9
  5. Yeah around every 5 minutes I get a 30 second spike where I can move around but the server doesn't react to my actions for 30 seconds.

    Also in general, aside of spikes, SMP9 has a lot more lag than other servers. Even when I'm walking around empty plots I get more lag than other servers. For example on SMP1 I'd get around 70 FPS on an empty plot where on SMP9 an empty plot gets me around 20 :\
  6. Solution:Every smp9er should move to smp1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8
  7. This also happens in smp7, at some res like mine. Sometimes you have 47 or 56 fps, then you have 15 or 6 fps. Is very strange all this lag at my res.
  8. Your own residence, or a residence that looks like yours but is different?
  9. *cough* 4 *cough*
  10. I can handle up to 5fps, but I go insane whenever my framerate is like this.
  11. I am too! :)