SMP8 Public Wild Utilities

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by khixan, Jun 16, 2015.


SMP8 wants ???

XP Grinders 146 vote(s) 46.2%
Iron Farm 63 vote(s) 19.9%
Gold Farm 52 vote(s) 16.5%
Guardian Farm 39 vote(s) 12.3%
Other (leave in comments) 16 vote(s) 5.1%
  1. Slvr - There's a thread with a poll where you can vote :) Hate to tell you, but so far, all votes are for the End Dragon Slaying Arena and we just got a huge donation from Paul1953 and Lee1993 towards that project (thank you both so much!).

    Obletop - ThaKloned covered it. EMC doesn't allow you on top of the Nether sadly. Otherwise, I'd have built a Scream Machine by now, heh :)
    Tuqueque and JohnKid like this.
  2. We could build a scream machine on smp3. I have no idea how, but it can't be that hard.
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  3. That build is so much effort that I'd likely only ever do it once. And notice I've never even put it on the last of things To Do lol. Lots of effort.
    Tuqueque and WitherDoggie like this.
  4. That's great ^^ Yeah. That's why I shouldn't be on the forums when I'm half-asleep... or on my phone. ^^;
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  5. Page 46 of this thread towards the bottom is a new newsletter on Public Wild Utilities. Check it out please, cheers :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. You mentioned having to gather wood for the end project in the other post. I have set up a few chests :rolleyes:. Feel free to use on the other public projects or all on the end lol. You can find your goodies on Utopia: /v 5717@pickup. Enjoy :D.

    (Figured even if you had gathered all you needed for this one that you'd eventually need it all for something else lol).
  7. Woo hoo! Thank you so much Stew! Much appreciated! I'll be by shortly :D

    Also, 3 Grinders has re-opened early! It is now open again.
    Ben did a great job out there, and finished far ahead of schedule :D
    Tuqueque, Sgt_Pepper4 and AmusedStew like this.
  8. We have a report of the hoppers at Fe(II) not sucking in iron on the right side. I'm trying to finish making dinner and then I'm eating it. I just finished working. If anyone from PWU is online, go give it a look-see please for me? I'm guessing something has happened with the hoppers.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. Slvr found the hoppers on one side of Fe(II) had indeed been broken, and she has fixed that issue. Thank you!

    We are making great progress on the Dragon Slaying Arena :D Many thanks to the loads of people who have come out to assist on that build! I'm estimating that barring any unexpected problems, we are a week away from completion on it. Cheers all!
  10. Just thought you should know that someone broke a piece of glass at the Iron farm and lava was going everywhere. Paul1953 found it and shoved a spider head where the leak was, so the lava wouldn't burn the place down. I'm about to go help him report it (he doesn't know how lol)
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  11. Thank you! ZombieSlayer reported it too, but I'm stuck with a client atm. This is gonna run long. Last minute requests...
    Tuqueque likes this.
  12. Progress is going great on the new End Dragon Slaying Arena! Many thanks to everyone who has come out to help build and donated materials. I personally think this might be the prettiest build we've ever done, and it works great :D

    Work In Progress pic -
  13. The SMP8 Dragon Slaying Arena is completed!

    Many thanks to everyone who helped!
    Give a round of applause to (and if I forgot your name here, HIT ME and I'll update it) -
    MrCDub, ChickenDice, General (and Private) Willikers, Lil_Spartan_Cat, KeegsStar, BenMA, WitherDoggie, ChumMiner, B0bbyTheBuilder, rv203, ThaKloned, jhtk01, BEK11, and corruptedsmile

    ChickenDice and Willikers have been conned, erm I mean, volunteered to organize an opening event. Feel free to pester them and not me about that one :)
    In the meantime, the arena is open and ready to use. Enjoy everyone, and again, huge thanks to everyone who helped build this or donated towards it :D
  14. wish i should have helped 0-0
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  15. It is totally awesome!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  16. Welcome TBird1128 to the Public Wild Utilities maintenance team! Many thanks!
  17. Skel and TBird found that Wild South, Slime Time rail and build itself had been griefed. They fixed some of it, and Slvr, TBird, and I are out there redoing walls. It was enough of a mess that we might as well.
    So for the next day or two, Slime Time is closed folks, sorry for the inconvenience!
    Also, thanks CarolMoss and Hash for the mod help!
    Tuqueque and Vizsco like this.
  18. About time I did this, and if possible before my daily SMP8 influence wears off :D Pictures mostly courtesy of AyanamiKun :cool:

    I hope this post is appropriate here, and if not I'd say tough luck to you :p My todo list is usually quite full, though I'll admit it's also filled with stuff outside the game. Due to the issues earlier today I got reminded that I've always wanted to take a better look at these utilities. I mean... Sushi drop? I love sushi! :) For some reason things kept getting in the way but today when LBoss, Aya and me finally got together, I suggested my idea and yeah: Let's go!

    I knew we didn't need gear, I brought my shield so that Aya couldn't punch me :)

    First impressions are awesome! I really liked the way how you guys managed to set all of this up. Relatively easy to find, very easy to use and some things are plain out impressive. I mean really: what's not to like here?!

    We first stopped at Pigmentus, also because I could still remember reading the stories about it more or less lagging out the entirety of SMP8 (which LB & Aya didn't know yet, so I had a nice story to tell). Well... I've seen gold farms before, and quite efficient and large ones too. But this was impressive. Both in size as well as ease of use :)

    Not sharing too much spoilers: you really need to see this for yourself :)

    The first time we could all appreciate the new swipe attacks ;)

    Well, probably needless to say but our inventories were quickly filled up with gold, swords and other stuff. And yes: some people told me that we probably didn't need any gear :p Anyway, after we were done we headed to the next farm; we were planning on taking the grand tour.

    And I have to say that the railroad system is pretty amazing. I mean, the eye for detail which you guys put into this is quite impressive IMO:

    Take a look at the walls; and this is 'just' the railway...

    Well, we fell from one surprise into the other. I've seen guardian farms before, the outpost which I'm part of also has one and if you look at the whole thing then you'll quickly notice the massive effort it takes to actually build one. Yah... So as if that wasn't enough....

    Gee, I wonder where we are ;)

    Or, quoting Aya:

    But seriously, the eye for detail is IMO really quite impressive. Especially because you could see things in places where I think not too many people would look. When we visited the Hot Rods place I couldn't help look around to scope it out a bit. I was hoping to find an easy way to get to the redstone circuits but didn't find that (honestly: I also wasn't looking that hard because I wasn't sure if the others would care as much for that as I would).

    Still, when I looked out a window....

    This was really quite impressive! I like details like that: some things which take quite a bit of effort while it remains to be seen how many people are actually going to notice it. Quite frankly I think we've seen a lot, but probably not everything, so I definitely plan on taking another look sometime in the future.

    By the way... We did run into a small incident but it has all been taken care off :D

    Couldn't resist posting this one :D

    Rumors which suggest that the missing rail ended up in my inventory are obviously just that, no need to trouble yourself with details like that. We took care of the incident so yeah :)


    Seriously guys, if you haven't visited this place already then you really should. Even if you don't care too much about farms in general (<raises hand>) then it's still worth visiting to admire all the buildings and, as mentioned above, the amount of detail which the builders put into this.

    I may, or may not, follow up someday with a more detailed review of the whole place but will discuss that first because I can see both good & bad things coming from that (no comments).

    But yeah, you should check this out if you got the time! :)
    Tuqueque, Patr1cV, Vizsco and 2 others like this.
  19. Thanks Shell! I'm really glad you all had fun :)
    These builds are meant to help people, inspire folks, and build community (why Fe(II) needs to return to an active kill build). They should help newer and younger players get resources. They should inspire folks to form groups and go out to the wild to build their own bigger and better versions of these farms. They should also be places to come together outside of town, and for us to support each other. The EMC community has been fabulous about supporting these builds, from help with griefings/repairs, to gathering materials together, and building them together. It's been a great experience for me, and I couldn't be happier about how it's all turned out :)
    I will also point out, a HUGE team of people have built (and maintain) these public builds. Check the OP for the long list of names ;)
    Tuqueque, Lee1993, Vizsco and 4 others like this.
  20. What's Cooking with SMP8 Public Wild Utilities?
    For those who want to know what's done, what we're currently doing, and what's coming up in the next few months.

    What's Been Done Recently
    • The Wild End Dragon Slaying Arena! Many thanks to everyone who volunteered and/or donated :)
    • Lots of minor griefings lately. All are getting fixed as fast as we can.
    What's In Progress
    • The Fe(II) kill chamber and collection redesign. This actually hasn't started yet, but it is #1 on the list of priorities to get done next.
    • Slime Time is being renovated due to a griefing. The entire Wild South complex is going to be transferred to Slvr and Walrus. They are going to keep the builds public. It's too much for me to run 4 different areas. The slime farm and squid farm will eventually be rebuilt out at Wild North. If you want to help repair and redo Slime Time, please contact Slvr and AverageWalrus or just post here on this thread. They could use some help with that. I believe TBird is already assisting.
    • Find a great slime chunk/s at Wild North at least 100 blocks away from the other builds.
    • Find a witch hut at Wild North if at all possible.
    What's coming up in the future?
    • ThaKloned has offered to do a witch hut build for SMP8 Public Wild Utilities. We need a good witch hut location. Ideally, it would be somewhere in the vicinity of the other public builds (or at least Wild North). This project needs a location and then the planning phase can begin. If you know of a good location, or have a location you'd like to donate, please hit me up!
    • Slime farm at Wild North.
    • Squid farm at Wild North. I need a technical designer with experience on EMC making squid farms please.
    • Wither killing area. Prometha brought up this idea before, and Tuq has raised it again. Corruptedsmile already has a challenge/fun wither killing area. This idea is more about a fast easy efficient wither killing spot. It has many challenges to it. The wither is destructive. The wither's behavior changes with player difficulty settings. Etc. This one is solely in the "throwing ideas around" stage.
    • The Nether Public Utilities Express. This one is likely far in the future. We have other more pressing priorities. Redo all the transportation and put it in the Nether for faster public utility access. Rail, horse, and ice boat transport options. This would also involve perfectly linked nether portals, which is a thing you can google if you've no idea what I'm on about. Having players wind up in Pigmentus unexpectedly would be bad LOL. We'd leave the roads at at Wild North, and NHG is fine as is. The North rail though would be removed and replaced by a Wild North Nether Portal transport hub. Each build at North would get its own "drop off" portal.
    That's everything I can think of for now. If you're interested in any of these projects, please post here on this thread. "In Progress" projects take priority over the future projects, so please, have some patience if your interest is for a future one
    Slime Time is temporarily closed for a renovation due to a griefing. This will take awhile to get fixed. Thank you for your patience.