smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. No zulu! :eek: I'll keep your discs safe.
    Jakres, Jimbonothing64 and zulu9 like this.
  2. Ah right. Those might be the only ones I would like to keep. Thanks for reminding me I had those! :confused:
    But the tons of potions and other stuff can be used for all the great projects.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  3. Hey, is it still just that you don't have a decent PC to play MC on, or is there something else?
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Mostly that. Also time restraints. While I can keep up here and write things actually playing is much more time consuming. Just got too much to do with work mostly and the few free time is reserved for friends and family.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. I decided to go on a ride on what is going to be the Wintermoon Express! It was an amazing trip! :)

  6. Hey zulu i'll need to reapply for website access as my email has changed (stupid google...) I'll pM you with my email
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  7. Yep this thread is still going....
    Jakres, Philovanrood, L0tad and 4 others like this.
  8. It shall always still be going...
    Jakres, L0tad, zulu9 and 1 other person like this.
  9. "Always" is a long time, I mean, The Sun is going nova in like 5 billion years or so...
    Jakres, Philovanrood and mba2012 like this.
  10. broken image?
    oh, and i placed nearly 12 stacks of iron fence along the hopefully someone isn't going to kill me for destroying the bridge's design...
    Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  11. Yeah, fail post. >.<
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Wooooo awesome, thanks. As long as its on the sides of the bridge, I won't kill you. :D
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  13. Just continued what was started, nearly spans both sides of the bridge as of now...
  14. Awesome, that's great because I'm going to need a lot of iron to build more rails.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. i think we should stop calling this a outpost...
    Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  16. Why?
    Jakres likes this.
  17. its a enormous city thats why the smp7 town is its outpost :p
  18. Amount?
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  19. Just give him a double chest :p You have infinite amounts :p
    Jakres likes this.