smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Just wow. LLO bridge desing sure has evolved since the last bridge I helped to work on. :D
  2. I've been repairing the farms, the ice palace, and a bunch of creeper holes in this area. Some things are too far gone to salvage, and I've done a little more demolition work.

    Please bow your heads for a moments silence...

    Most of the materials salvaged are in the chest you see to the right. Again, I'm available to help rebuild should someone feel so motivated.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, zulu9 and 5 others like this.
  3. Fun times. :D We could use some help, too bad your computer is broken. :(

    Total materials needed for Wintermoon Bridge (estimated):
    • 102 stacks of stone
    • 36 stacks of cobble
    • 20 stacks of pine slabs
    • 20 stacks of rails
    • 20 stacks of iron bars
    • 14 stacks of fence
    • 4 stacks of glowstone
    • 4 stacks of blue wool
    • 4 stacks of light blue wool
    • 1.5 stacks of nether brick
    • 1 stack of redstone torches
    • 1 stack of powered rails
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  4. Ill see what I can do.
    Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  5. Hey Zulu, what do you need to get back online?
    Jakres likes this.
  6. I can get you a free DC of smooth stone within the next week (When I feel like making one)
    Jakres, zulu9 and shavingfoam like this.
  7. We have a good amount of stone to get started, but will need at least 1 more DC. We also should have enough iron for rails and enough gold for powered rails. And we have enough cobble, nether brick, and redstone torches. Everything else we could use more of though.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  8. Well, I finally finished starting a cow farm at District 10. Hopefully this will bring down the amount of mobs up in the area. ;)
    Jakres, L0tad, zulu9 and 4 others like this.
  9. Update: Bridge design modified. Fence requirement decreased from 14 stacks to 4 stacks. Also, wool requirement has been met.
  10. No pics? Where's the pics? *sadface*
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  11. I decided to get rid of the fence/wool overhangs over the track because I thought they looked tacky. I moved the wool to the sides of the bridge and moved the glowstone to inside of the cables. This lights up the bridge a lot better.

    2013-06-28_18.58.12.png 2013-06-28_18.58.26.png
    Jakres, mba2012, zulu9 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Nice! I have been doing real-world construction in the form of a bathroom renovation, so I haven't been able to get on. I'm sure I'll find some time this weekend.
    Jakres, Philovanrood and zulu9 like this.
  13. nice
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  14. One third of the bridge is complete!

    2013-06-28_20.59.11.png 2013-06-28_20.59.55.png 2013-06-28_21.00.10.png
  15. Impressive!
    Jakres and shavingfoam like this.
  16. Thats an impressive bridge! :D Also, I have a few(a lot) ideas for the LLO. So I'll get together some pics etc. and then I'll tell you guys all about it! :D
    Jakres, zulu9 and shavingfoam like this.
  17. So, on September 4th 2010 a magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit the city of Christchurch in New Zealand at 4:35am. Not much damage occurred, basically every chimney in the city collapsed and a few housing estates sunk into the ground. Then in late February life had basically gotten back to normal, when at 12:51pm on the 22nd of February the city was hit by another earthquake. Although smaller at a magnitude of 6.1 it was centred about 10 kilometres from the city centre. It wreaked havoc throughout the city and 185 people were killed.

    Now you may be wondering why I have been telling you this... Well, I just returned from Christchurch, completely changed from when I was there last, more than 3 years ago. And I'm full of ideas for the LLO.

    An earthquake like this can be compared to the griefing that the LLO has been a victim to. It comes in waves, like an earthquake has many aftershocks. There had been small griefings in the LLO from when it was started. But people managed to recover. But on August 18th 2012 the LLO was hit by a huge griefing, causing damage to many buildings in the LLO. The culprit was banned but the griefings continued. Some 'aftershocks' were big, while others were small. And there have been plans to rebuild parts of the LLO, but the LLO needs a big plan, one that covers the entire, massive outpost.

    The rebuild plan in Christchurch was revealed on friday, it detailed a much smaller city centre surrounded by green space. The new CBD was split into precincts. And it aimed to focus people into the CBD. A plan with similarities to this is what the LLO should be following. So I have developed one. It is as follows.

    This is a large scale map of the LLO. It shows all the major centres throughout the LLO.

    The LLO is obviously split into large areas, with other smaller areas around as well. Most of these areas are currently just cluttered with abandoned and griefed houses, with the exception of Yettitown and some of the North. I will be detailing my plans for rebuilding the LLO by looking at each of these areas in detail.

    The first area I will look at is Downtown. This is the map of my plan for rebuilding downtown.
    I will now detail my plans for each of the labeled area in this map.

    1) The town hall, grand central station and community centre should be combined into one large building. Grand central station should be restored to it's former state. All the underwater rail lines should be moved into the underground portion of the station. The town hall and community centre would then branch off from either side of GC and be built in a similar style to GC.

    2) The Guesthouse should be restored to return it to it's former glory. All holes patched up etc. All tenants should be moved out and every room furnished in a nice way. And maybe some new rules for it.

    3) The downtown 'Gangnam' area. I propose that this street is rebuilt to become the China Town that was proposed long ago. All buildings would also be taken off the river.

    4) The bathhouse. This should be restored. As it was a very nice facility built by the LLO's founder, zulu9. It deserves to be restored, not replaced.

    5) The beach house build by zulu9 also should be rebuilt. Probably not the same building as it has been demolished, but something similar should be built on the location.

    6) zulu9's house should be restored. It was an awesome house. It's been damaged in almost every griefing. But it deserves to be rebuilt, for zulu and the rest of the LLO.

    7) The Farms. The farms should be rebuild and restructured. To make them easier to use, more useful and so that they still exist. The tree was was rebuild and that can stay.

    8) Runewulfs house and the harbour. These two amazing structures from early in the LLO's history should be restored.

    9) My large lot in the middle of the LLO downtown area will either become a remembrance park or a museum about the griefings in the LLO.

    General work. All the roads should be rebuilt with stonebrick. All buildings should either be restored or removed, with the remains either used in other buildings or kept incase the member returns. Banned players belongings and houses should be removed and the materials used for other uses.

    The next area I will review is the west. I have big plans for the west. Below is a map of my plans.
    As I did above I'll now detail my plans for the western LLO.

    1) The stadium will be finished. With covers over the audience. A complete fireworks and lighting system. Proper facilities and more scheduled events.

    2) This area, L0tads second 'Gangnam' district should become the LLO botanical gardens. It should be split into different areas showcasing the plant and animal life in the LLO. Possibly a zoo to go with it.

    3) The Western waterfront. This would be a nice built up, up market sort of area with shops, cafes, beaches etc.

    4) The museum platform should be removed to make way for the waterfront district. The museum would be moved to another location.

    5) The Library should be restored. It is another major piece of the LLO's history.

    6) This area should become a community marketplace sort of area, a nice place to come and meet people. It would act as one of the parts of the entertainment precinct.

    7) This area should become either a convention centre or the museum. Or it could be both. I want to know what you guys think.

    8) Jakres' tower should be restored. And more publicity should be brought to it.

    The general works on the area is just as above. All the roads should be rebuilt with stonebrick. All buildings should either be restored or removed, with the remains either used in other buildings or kept incase the member returns. Banned players belongings and houses should be removed and the materials used for other uses.
    Also, a road link between Jakres' tower and the waterfront area would be good.

    I don't have very much experience with the other areas of the LLO. But it's basically the same as the general works section. All roads in the LLO should be made of stonebrick unless it looks live to have it something else. All buildings should either be restored or removed, with the remains either used in other buildings or kept incase the member returns. Banned players belongings and houses should be removed and the materials used for other uses. Also, as has been detailed previously. Shavingfoam and dwight are removing locked chests and storing their contents in other places, if there is a locked chest you want removed ask one of them.

    This plan is designed to trigger people to come to the LLO. And it should convince people to take up places in the existing LLO, not expanding it.

    I hope you guys all like this plan, please suggest amendment, and tell me what you think of my 2 hours of labour...
    And if this gave you a case of tl;dr, then bad luck, you have to read it. :p
  18. I don't see any damage than the redstone device being broken.

    Are there even other flags than Estonia flag around LLO?
    I declare YettiTown is like Finland. No earthquakes and precious snows!
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. There is a bit of damage on your building. You may have fixed it. I don't know :p I'll go take a look :p
    Jakres likes this.
  20. I don't normally like demolishing things, but I like this idea. No one has built anything on that platform in a long time, and it would be good to have waterfront property available. Also, I like your other ideas. Very well organized. :)
    Jakres, mba2012 and Philovanrood like this.