smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Anybody found it yet? :p
    Jakres likes this.
  2. images.jpg

    Jakres likes this.
  3. Jakres likes this.
  4. images.jpg

    No, just kidding. (not meaning to be rude)
    Jakres likes this.
  5. fjosdpjf.PNG

    That nether thingy?
    Jakres likes this.

  6. Meh, AMA on me.
  7. can i join this jungle outpost?
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  8. Yeah.
    You just joined.
    *searches for zulu pm *
    zulu9 and Philovanrood like this.
  9. Hmmmmm
    Jakres likes this.
  10. what the cowords? and what outpost?
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  11. I sent you copied zulu9 pm to ya.

    zulu9, mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  12. I found a spot in the LLO with 3 mob spawners near each other (1 zombie, 2 cave spider), and set up an XP farm. It isn't anything too fancy, but I'd be happy to show "trusted" LLO members where it is if you're interested. Also, I went spelunking and lit up a bunch of areas under the downtown that were spawning mobs. I'm sure you've noticed that the downtown can get a bit laggy.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  13. I'm doing some cleanup. I yanked out the burned out husk of a building that was in circled area of the lagoon near town hall. I placed the resulting blocks in a chest in Vault 2.0 labeled "Removed Lagoon Residence Blocks -btribble". If these were yours, feel free to claim them. I'm going to do the same with the remnants of "cake" and what I guess is a Pokeball (?) image. If you need help finding these chests, ping me. As usual, if I've pulled anything that you cared about, I'm happy to help rebuild it!
  14. im going to leave the LLO because i have to much to do right now:(
    Jakres likes this.
  15. We all know how that is. BTW, you don't have to "leave" so much as stop being active. We don't have a minimum or maximum amount of activity we expect from people. Any time you want to, swing on by!
    zulu9, Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  16. So, I pulled down cake and what turned out to be a small portion of a Hyrulian shield. He shield wool went into a chest in the building below where it was, and cake largely went into the a chest near the lagoon one in Vault 2.0.
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  17. I have to say, I have a love/hate (fear?) of the new Enraged skeletons and zombies. Fighting two of them at once is pretty nasty. I guess it is finally time to move to better armor than unenchanted iron.

    We used to complain about unlit areas of LLO, but now it is really important to light them up. I was standing upstairs in the Guest House watching zombies rage in the street below trying to get up to me. This area is pretty well lit! One little dark patch at the edge of mob spawn can provide some nasty surprises in places you thought safe.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  18. We could also make more farms, causing less mobs being able to spawn. That's what I've been starting in District 10.
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  19. Got unwatched...

    To keep people up to date, plans for the bridge to Wintermoon Island have more or less been finalized. The bridge will start at the Great Wall and span approximately 650 blocks.

    It will look something like this:

  20. With the new mobs it seems the name of our place becomes more important ;)
    So I really like the projects to light up the place or put friendly mobs (aka farms) so the nasty ones won't spawn.