smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Well, tourism wouldn't be a bad idea, ill give you that one. But yeah, you'd have to maintain an almost 24/7 grief watch system, or maintain day to day repair scans through each sector of the outpost. Give certain members specific areas to check, so it's more efficient, or run a rail system either high enough for a bird's eye view, or something along those lines. Worst comes to worst, use the access command and hope for the best.
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  2. I think this has been tried and the experiences has been mixed.
    From what I learned is that "tourists" are not a good idea esp if they paid for the visit.
    They have no connection to the LLO and will more likely grief or tell griefers things.
    This is why I always refer to them as guests. But guest do not pay for the stay.
    The problem if you charge someone the incentive to get your money back, esp on a economy based server gets big.
    Charging people for a bed or even a locked chest is not how the LLO got huge.

    The LLO never had a funding problem.
    To the contrary many people join because they got rich in town and are looking for a vacation spot / something else to do. Surviving in the wild is a nice new challenge.

    We can't prevent people from offering LLO tours or coords or hotel or chests for rupees but I would not advise it.
    And so far any attempt to make such a thing failed.
    Giving people tours without pay on the other hand has brought us some really nice new members. So if you do not think in terms of rupees tourism can work to help the LLO.
    Jakres, Philovanrood and mba2012 like this.
  3. On that note, in all actuality, you could set some buildings up with trapped doors or sides that would deter against greifers, and the more important a building or site is, the more protected it becomes. A jail system, or even just an elaborate redstone system that traps bad guys in their tracks. the options are endless.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Well it would probably not be paid trips, just visitors coming to see. I could probably have worded my post better..
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  5. Such trap ideas have been discussed but most of those are against the EMC "No PVP" rule.
    Jail traps might be different but this would have to be detailed with the mods.
    Deathtraps have to be clearly marked by signs (if part of some build or game) to not violate the no pvp rule, which make them useless against griefers.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. I just tried to summarize past efforts on LLO tourism. I still think it is a good idea, just want to give you information to include so it will not fail again. No reinventing the wheel ;)
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  7. So thank you to Alyattayla for showing me the way to the LLO. Helped me get to one of the guest rooms, albeit an older, griefed looking one, but ill manage. Now, question before I start wandering. Where can I get supplies, firstly to fix up the guest room, but also where can i find a spot to build a place? This way I'll have some kind of hovel before I log off for the night.
    Jakres likes this.
  8. 1)
    Supplies for rebuilds:
    You can ask LLOers here or in game if they have supplies. Esp for fixing griefing damage I am sure you will get them.
    There is also a fund of rupees for griefing repairs. So if you need to buy stuff and get it from town PM me and you will get funds for the repairs.

    Finding a place to build is basically described in the FAQ but of course got more complicated with the growth.
    The basic rules still apply but with people leaving and retiring other options become available.

    So personally I would just try to get involved. People will offer you a room in their house or a space to build. And once you got used to the LLO (esp the railway system, which is a big part of why this thing works) you might want to use the vastness of the wild. In that case I would go a few hundred blocks from every LLO building, start a new village and make paths and railways to the LLO so it becomes more or less part of it. We have several of those independent but still LLO villages like "yeti town" or "jimbotown". And most of what is now known as the core LLO districts were founded that way.
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  9. Alright. Sounds like a plan. I'm walking around the main area, by GrandCentral, and i'm noticing a lot of grief damage. So when I find materials, I will gladly fix up the place for everyone. I will also explore the other zones. It seems quiet right now, but that's because of the time, haha. Starting tomorrow, ill take a look for a place, but I don't think I'll go and make a new village anytime soon. Ill contribute to the group, and do what i can in the meantime. And as far as people leaving or having retired, what is the actions for that?
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  10. I can bring mooshroom eggs!
    Jakres likes this.
  11. I will be on in 3.5ish hours if you want help getting to LLO.
    Mooshroom eggs sound good.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Well, status report i guess on the repairs around grand central and out. A lot has been messed up as im walking through the town, and a lot of homes are abandoned, either from extensive grief damage or user leaving (with /p i've seen months and up of inactive) so im going to be bringing crates of supplies from my wild home in the other server to here. help would be appreciated in moving everything, as i want to try and rebuild at least a bit of the town. wont be till this weekend though, small business trip needs to be made irl first.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Indeed, quite a few of our members have left EMC for awhile.
    The reason the buildings are destroyed is because no one has taken time to fix up all these (most likely) abandoned homes after griefings. :/
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  14. So, going along with my idea of wild tourism I am going to build a resort with Jakres' cave pool. It will not be for rupees. And it will allow people to come along and enjoy the LLO without having to build a house ect.
    zulu9, Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  15. Well, I can take the time and resources to fix up these buildings, my question then would be that some houses still have locked chests in them. Would i just go around asking a staff member to be kind and benevolent and remove them?
    Or in terms then of resources, if I encounter a building which i noticed is griefed, and the user is a member who has quit, should i just finish demolishing the house and rebuild a completely new building? I don't want to be seen as stealing or griefing anything, im really just trying to fix the place up, bit by bit. As i've just been accepted into the LLO, i actually have no home to call my own anyway, so this is something I can devote an amount of time to, its just going to be slow going on my own. Help would be nice, especially after I bring over some of my supplies from the other server. We could get this place shining once more :3
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  16. Hm…I'd say fixing up the houses, and if the player has been gone for over 200 days, then ask a staff member to remove the lock. I'd recommend waiting for the rest of the community to put their two cents in before you do anything.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  17. Alrighty. Then i will sit here and wait :3
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  18. Updates: The name of the island is going to be called Chicken Island. Also, the construction of Chicken Island has been delayed for reasons that will not be announced.
    Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  19. I think we should only remove the locked chests of players who were banned.

    The Chicken Tower could definitely use some fixing up. You can start there if you want. It is the circular building in the water, at the end of the Curry Line. It was griefed a while ago, but no one got around to fixing it. :(

    And welcome to the LLO! :D
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  20. That would be great :). A lot of mooshrooms are missing and need to be replaced.
    Jakres likes this.