smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Derp just saw its called chunky eh?
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Chunky is the rendering tool. Those are not actual screenshots but made with a tool that uses the world files and renders it like pro 3D rendering tools do. However it can load your texture pack. The one I use for my renderings (and ingame too) is this one (at 128px here):
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Ya i noticed... I use that exact TP also :) Just noticed it looked amazing haha...
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Chunky is free too but you will need a pretty good computer if you do not want to wait weeks.
    If you have screenshot of what you want and world save ready I am sure someone here will do it even if it is not LLO related (please discuss in another thread / pm tho if not LLO related).
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Put him on the old list too.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  6. I'm sure my Supercomputer would do it... ill have to play with it :)


    Ok back on track dont want to flood your thread :)
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  7. I wish chunky was a texture pack…
    Jakres, mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  8. No Problem. If the LLO community does not want any chunky talk they will tell us.
    Sooo you got a decent computer. Maybe you can do some LLO renderings in the future then? ;)
    That is of course if we provide a nice world save of the stuff.
    Jakres likes this.
  9. There are some mods that do some nice work with the lights and water too. Google minecraft shader mods!
    I never had a computer to run them properly. Some screenshots (if legit) look even better then what I get from chunky and there are youtube videos with them that are mindblowing.
    I like chunky because I can use it on a friends semi-supercomputer via remote access. Previewing is a pain but once I got the angle etc right it goes pretty fast.
    Jakres, penfoldex and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  10. I present to you one epic mod that is really hard to get for 1.4.5/4
    Jakres, penfoldex, jkjkjk182 and 3 others like this.
  11. Edited the chunky site a bit to allow for for people.
    We should think of dividing it up into subpages to allow each poster more freedom to design the page.
    The current design will break if one more person joins. So pleas join so we can get to subpages soon :D
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Just another chunky render:
    Graveyard at dawn:

    Still a bit grainy and too bright but I thought I'd post it anyway.
    Maybe a good title would be "4 hours before the zombies attacked".
  13. Ya Maybe :) I'll have to figure out the program tho :)
    Jakres likes this.
  14. I'll edit the survey so it makes more sense for more than one person :)
    I will also try and make it accessible by you zulu
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Lol I made you owner...
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Honestly I think we can just go ahead and say the entire EMC is part of LLO since I can't ever keep up with the list and I apparently do a @(#@*# job because there's another list. So yeah... :/

    I dunno which list to put who on anymore so you guys can do that I guess :(
    Jakres likes this.
  17. Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  18. seewhatyoudid.jpg
  19. Haha!.

    Off topic:
    Watched the 3 Stooges while my net was down. Now every time I see your signature, I think of "...from the great state of *clap-clap-clap-clap* TEXAS!" Only clip I find on youtube.
    Jakres, Jimbonothing64 and Dwight5273 like this.
  20. bahah
    Jakres likes this.