Smp 9... The wild Town "Pazzo"

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ElenaGilbert11, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. All accepted ill send pm with zolara cords
    MeVoid likes this.
  2. 1. Do you get along well with others? yeah
    2. Do you consider yourself a good builder? Umm i think so :/
    3. Do you enjoy helping others? yeah
    4. Have you ever been kick/banned? yeah :/
    5. if Question #4 is yes, what was you kicked/banned for? i was tempbanned for spamming the chat :/, and offensive language, BUT i learned my lesson :oops:.

    They told me this was a great place to live so plz, i really wanna live there :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  3. By word of Pab10s you are now a part of Pazzo, I will PM you directions :)
    PandasEatRamen and nfell2009 like this.
  4. yay :D
  5. Sonic, Pab10s and I were exploring Zolara. Sonic logged and Pab10s and I were still exploring. One of those long storms that seem to never end happened and we found a charged creeper and a fire in some trees. Killed the creeper and were doing our best to extinguish the flames in the trees but it got all crazy. We're working on replanting trees.
  6. I sent an app through the link in OP but I will repost here.
    1, yes
    2. decent
    3. yes
    4. yes
    5. kicked, 1st time it was so stupid I don't remember what it was. 2nd tome was for using caps lock on international caps lock day for like 5min.
  7. Hahahahhaa Classic :)
    PandasEatRamen and supremedr like this.
  8. Went from that to have a creeper explode behind me at the pyramid. Repaired that, then Pandas fell into the crack of doom and hit the ground too hard. What an adventure.
    Dwight5273 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  9. Applied on the site :)
  10. From This Point forward, we will only be accpeting applications at this site. To cleean up the thread and other things. We will still make updates to this thread to give people more information, but just know that you must apply at the above mentioned site now for acceptance, all applications in this thread will not yield acceptance.
  11. WOAH!!!!
  12. Your wild city looks beautiful!
  13. Thank you. Pazzo is very proud of its arrangements. We try not to get to cluttered so we can continue to keep beauty in tact. Which is the main reason we expand the way we do.
  14. Accpeteing :p
  15. yes... accpeteing... i made it up.. it means what i want it to >.>
    mba2012 and TheTrufflehunter like this.
  16. Does cleean mean it's cleaner than usual? xD
  17. It's cleanier than the cleaniest.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  18. since we has a mod in the community I think he just teleport new members to the sight instead of us having to trudge 5K!!!!!! through the hazardous wilderness
  19. Mods aren't allowed to do that. But he can give you a pep-talk when you die the first time like I did :)
  20. lol I died like 500 blocks away from the base because I wante to kill a slime that was stupid enough to jump in a lake. I almst made it