Smp 9... The wild Town "Pazzo"

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ElenaGilbert11, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. 1. Do you get along well with others? Yes.
    2. Do you consider yourself a good builder? Yes, I'm quite good with Redstone contraptions, and also work well with others' designs.
    3. Do you enjoy helping others? Yes
    4. Have you ever been kick/banned? Yes
    5. if Question #4 is yes, what was you kicked/banned for? Apparently some people disliked the attitude I had, because the ban reason was apparently people didn't like my attitude at the time. I still say it is an unjust ban, ... as it occurred while I was offline and had nothing to do with whatever happened. Regardless, Its in the past, and I've since changed my ways.


    The reason why I am posting this here, is because I do not see a reason why this sub-community of EMC must splinter-off to an external site, when all of the tools to organize and control things exist in some form here on the EMC website, therefore I refuse to sign up on an external site, as I have a membership here already.
  2. Its not a must. It makes it easier for maintaining account of who all we have, which is easier with this site system, as well as keeping the spam of a thread that just posts applications down. Keeping the thread just more with major status updates. It was not something that originally was intended. But it has just become easier as the community has grown to create a more organized environment for our own community that way.
  3. It is a must if the only way to be accepted is by signing up there.
  4. Its not the only way, we ask that future-members do. Not a requirement though. Just an encouraged suggestion to help the maintenance and bookkeeping .
  5. Well, I was talking to queendiva1 about joining Pantano, and was told the only way in, would be to apply, which (according to the original post) the only way to apply is through the website. ... And now what you are saying is kinda contradicting what is in the original post. ... Could that possibly be clarified by any chance? I would love to join this wild community, but the only roadblock is the fact that signing up on an external site makes it feel (to me) like we're splintering off from the Empire Minecraft community, ... ... I apologize if I sound harsh, ... but maybe I'm just reading too much into things.
  6. Youre reading to much into things. But we did discuss it already, and we are not accepting your application at this time.
  7. Kay then. Be that way. I got denied because I didn't do a "suggestion" that's supposedly "not required", ... whereas the actual intent of it is it is indeed required and thus I feel I have been wrongly discriminated against.
  8. See the benefit of having another site? This was not my decision alone. We talked about it as a group. Do not take it sourly.
  9. I don't think he was trying to be rude, just that they don't want to crowd everyone in. Last I knew Queen was working on getting things sorted to get people into Pantano so I'm sure in the future you can join. :)
  10. Can I please see this information somewhere then?
  11. .... we talked about it? I did not transcribe the conversation. It was on teamspeak.
  12. I see, ... very well then. Teamspeak != the external website, as it is a voice chat application that connects to a teamspeak server. ... entirely different than what guildlaunch is.
  13. seph as we spoke earlier, you had mentioned that it would be the same as having private convo's set up here EMC to keep track of every1 we have out here in the wild towns, that is true but as i said be4 for me personally that would become quite difficult for me to try and keep track of 30+ private pm's to me, i have a hard time keeping up with like 3-4 at time lol.

    i like that we have the external website so that i can easily go look up a player's app or see who's already accepted without having to search thru each page of the thread here. i understand that some may not be willing to sign up to an external site and thats ok, but please understand our side of it having to manage and track many players at 1 time.
  14. How about a suggestion then. Maybe create a Google Docs spreadsheet and/or form that the three of you are capable of editing/managing (similar to the EMC staff applications pinned up in Empire News), and that could be used as an assistant to the external site for those of us who don't want to sign up on it?
  15. We will see. Thats not going to happen immediately though. That goes from having 1 point of management to multiple. There is no need to add to much complication to a system that has been working. A large majority of our members are on that site, the ones who are not, are really just those that were already a part of the community before hand. Since the site has been added, we have not had a request to do anything differently. As it is working right now, I see no reason to change it for one person Im afraid.
  16. Very well then, please let me know if/when I may join this wild community and not have to sign up on an external website then; I will be more than happy to be a participating member of the community. I still feel discriminated against; since supposed 'veteran members' don't have to sign up. ... yet new members have to.
  17. Sorry to bud in here but i honestly dont under why some people have a issue doing this it's you dont give out personal info, it a trusted and well used site.

    it helps us keep track of not only players within our community but we also use it to organize events builds and update the members on things that may be going on within our community.

    its like asking why people in world of warcraft have to apply to top end guilds that use this site for application and orginaztion

    Not to toot my own horn but there is a reason you want to join us out here in the.
  18. Whereas the World of Warcraft community consists of (as of october) 10 million subscribers, ... compared to Empire Minecraft's mere (as of 10:15 PM Central, on December 7th, 2012) ... 210 online players, ... and just over 50,000 registered members to this site. ... massive giant versus tiny bug. ... Big difference here.
  19. Can I get into this community?

    1. Do you get along well with others? that's debatable but most of the time i guess
    2. Do you consider yourself a good builder? only with tree houses
    3. Do you enjoy helping others? that all depends, but yes
    4. Have you ever been kick/banned? nope
    5. if Question #4 is yes, what was you kicked/banned for?
  20. you seem to be missing the point of it helps us lead it and keep things organized in a manner more eff then what EMC forums offer.

    But anyways welcome to the pazzo empire