SMP 3 Nature Walk

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by albinopolarbear1, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. My names there, but not me
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  2. This sucks!
  3. I contacted Kalland Labs. If it isn't back up in 20 minutes i'm going to contact ICC or Aikar.
    codygraw101 likes this.
  4. Well this is 25 mins behind
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. darn well me and chris are gong to get through
  6. Why does it have to SMP3!!!!! >:'( Why could it of been like 1,2,4,5,6,7,or 9 ?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. 4 more minutes until I contact Aikar and ICC....
    codygraw101 likes this.
  8. Man! I gtg :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  9. aww i gtg too :mad:
  10. It's back online now..
  11. So did they do one last night?
  12. No. I am doing one tomorrow though as a replacement for last night's. Want to join?
  13. I have school tomorrow :(
  14. I went back to school on thursday :p What is your timezone? I'm going to hold it at 4:00PM tomorrow after school GMT.
  15. Im in Central time (I think that is what it is called lol)
  16. SoulPunisher likes this.
  17. The 3rd walk is in 20 mins everyone hope there are no problems this time :)
  18. Only 10 mins to go!! I hope to see more people :)