SMP 3 Nature Walk

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by albinopolarbear1, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. here is saluting contestens by graves:
  2. Well, first some people got lost in the jungle near spawn. Then we continued on for a little while without loss. We came across a ravine near a river, so we broke its bank to make a waterfall in since there was a mineshaft in it. I was away from the others gathering iron when apparently some of them met their end to a good amount of lava. 3 or 4 died. Then we made graves and took a photo. After that I briefly logged off to help move a little furniture into my house. When I came back on shortly after, I learnt the third to last person died trying to do parkour. Thus, the last of us pressed onwards. At the end, when we were hunting and had gathered enough stuff for TNT, TheEpic5 and I ganged up on an enderman. We took turns at it, as I was near death I sprinted away and it took on Epic. It was there he died. Thus it was finished and we detonated the ceremonial TNT block. And killed ourselves with fire and cactus.
    chickeneer likes this.
  3. Be there next week if I can.
  4. Yeah me too.
  5. Great tuenout thanks everyone!
  6. OK Update RANDOM Nature walk today, Monday, in 10mins on SMP3 again in the wild all items will be provided same rules be there at 1/4 past the hour!
  7. How dare you. Antvenom is wonderful.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  8. I like him still
  9. I'm subbed to him
  10. i missed it today :( i will try to make iit next week :)
  11. next week there will be a big prize comming up.... :D
  12. Nature Walk in 45 mins on SMP3 be there in the wild! Come win GREAT prizes and a signature- Week 2 Winner- Could it be you? come try and win!
  13. Hope I can be there - had a blast last week :)
  14. only 20 more mins untill we start!!
  15. Ok 5 minutes until we hand out flesh and swords
  16. Nature walk in 1 min everyone
  17. albino died XD
  18. Its over cody wins
    I got 2nd place
    i get nothing
    i spent 3 hrs
  19. whoops 3rd...