Show yourself! - Post a photo of you

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by klamepa, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. i dont know i just find them really really scary its like the perfect mask for halloween o.o
    lolkold likes this.
  2. because they instill fear, they do have an ominous look to them...and I swore i saw something on the military channel about nerve gas and how some units are or were trained for it....could of just been a show on the volatility of it? idk i was young when I saw that...and no military personnel i have ever known or talked too disputed it. so ya.

    EDIT: am i afraid of gas masks? No...DO i want an M50 chance star do you know were a civie can get one?
    klamepa likes this.
  3. Special units can use them but not all military.

    Surplus stores or ebay lol
    ZerreissenDirge likes this.
  4. I shall look into the pricing on one. lol.
    I don't know why but i have always loved gas masks even the primitive WWI versions(the most ominous looking of them all in my opinion) thus i want to own one...i could of bought an Israeli one a few months back for 25$ from a surplus store but i didn't care for how it looked xD
  5. Well i have the 45 from north star (fake deployment lol) let me take a picture of it
  6. The gas mask itself isn't what's scary. It's the fact that you see someone wearing one, probably for a good reason, and you don't have one.
    lolkold, nnnnmc1 and ZerreissenDirge like this.
  7. what tank said is a very good description of the vibe they give off +1 to him....i want one now plz? i guess i will ask for one for christmas...we will see how that goes over with my grandmother and my parents xD
  8. Your image is pretty accurate accurate to your avatar. I have a request. Take an image of yourself that matches the expression of your avatar, lol. Maybe even put them side by side.
    autonamus likes this.
  9. Your request has been fulfilled! XD

    Cartoon12.jpg cartoonbase.jpg

    There ya go! Using that picture, I drew myself in Photoshop. Not bad for a 30 minute job if you ask me. I think I could have done some better outline work though.
    jlopez24, lolkold, nnnnmc1 and 3 others like this.
  10. Thats me looking hardcore with a ranging pole

    Attached Files:

  11. oh, and hell yer im british
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  12. May i inquire as to your huge pole, sir?
  13. malicai what is that in the bg next to that stuffed animal thingy it looks kinda like a glass pipe to me..........
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  14. Lol I think i know what you mean and if I am correct- no, it is NOT a bong. It is a water bottle. :p
    Drugs are bad. :)
    autonamus and GameKribJEREMY like this.
  15. good to know lol. wow what an odd looking water bottle thnx to the mild blur xD
    Malicaii12 likes this.
  16. Here's me dressed up for Halloween

    Attached Files:

  17. Pft, in your dreams, bro. ;)
    I mean, come on.. The name of the image alone. :p 'gay_boy_gun_fighter'
    jlopez24 likes this.
  18. Thats a ranging pole. its used to do land mesurments, cus im hardcore.
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