[SERVICE] Erektus GFX | Google Chrome Themes, Free Signatures & Logos

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Erektus, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. Yeah ikr?
  2. IGN: Evesthery
    Logo or Signature: Logo, for my UHC thread
    Image Details (Be as detailed as possible): Include the words "Evesthery's UHC" and incorporate UHC somehow (e.g. golden/notch apples, PvP).
  3. I'd like to remind everyone of several things;

    • This is a free service, it is free because Ethan doesn't always have time to work on images for people on Empire Minecraft, he had much more time back when the service originally started during the Summer but now that school has started he barely has any time for EMC in general.
    • There are other Services that create Graphics for users, they may charge for their service, but they can do what you want if you feel that you do not want to use this one.
    • When Ethan does have time to create images, hes not doing it for EMC, he runs the same service for other websites and games, he's told me he will be coming back to EMC during Christmas Break but it most likely won't be to start this service again.
    A new GFX service by the Empire Brothers will be starting up, with a difference artist and will be charging this time.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  4. Hey I still haven't gotten my Halloween sythe. ;-;
  5. I got the book saying i bought them but no items