[SERVICE] Erektus GFX | Google Chrome Themes, Free Signatures & Logos

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Erektus, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. First, go to your user menu and click 'Signature'

    Next, you click the image button in the editor

    And finally, enter the link to your created signature picture(s). You can't choose images from your local computer, you'll need to upload them to Imgur or something similar.

    Then save, and you should be fine :)
    Penguinub likes this.
  2. Oh, and I want a signature too!
    I'll think about it for a few days and I will start a convo with you. ;)

    Sorry for double-posting
  3. Currently working on Shyguy's order.

  4. Whats the pricing on the GFX? :)
  5. Free.
  6. Can you do one for me?
    I want it to be a banner that says "Rhythmically's custom armor", and in the background, a rainbow of misc. leather armor pieces, and similar to the enchanted books one, I wouldn't like a background other than the armor.
  7. Erektus! Bump I need dat sig
  8. Guess who's backkkkkk.

    Check out the OP for the new Erektus GFX commercial.
  9. So...it's been a while ethan e.e
  10. You can cancel my order since I have a name I will keep But here is a new order

    Shyguy's Auctions!

    Ign: ShyguytheGamer1
    I want this to be a lime green font with white around it, same font as DanialBuchinger's, but this one will have instead of potions, double chests BURSTING with ice, cobblestone, promos, diamonds, and wood. Also my current skin next to the logo itself.
  11. IGN: ItsMeWolffpack
    Logo or Signature: Signature
    Image Details (Be as detailed as possible):
    I would like a transparent backround, with my alts like Krysyy's signature me in the middle
    Alt Names: ItsMeWolffpack1 ItsMeWolffpack2, ItsMeWolffpack3, xItsMeWolffNubx. They are multi colored too.
    I would like "Message Me' one part, "Current Auction," the next and finnally "Battle of The Servers,"

    1000r Tip sent now!
  12. Ign: Fortune_V
    My skin on the left side holding a diamond pick. My IGN in the middle, white font with black around it. For the background just a navy blue. I want 2 buttons, 1 to pm me and one to a current auction.
  13. BlinkyBinky likes this.
  14. IGN: NebulaBen


    I want my IGN in green letters, and a navy background. I want 2 buttons, one leading to my YouTube, and another to PM me. The button's background is light blue.

    My YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCc_8qR39GuSqP25RwAKin6g
  15. IGN: ShyguytheGamer1
    I will PM you details and I need it done by a certain date
  16. Added link
  17. Erectus?
  18. Same thing happened with the halloween items, jut ditched he thread (I payed and still haven't got them despite involving staff :p)
  19. Do you do avatars?