Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. That would end well
    Ezebe, UltiPig, nuclearbobomb and 2 others like this.
  2. Use allot of harming potions i mean allot xD.
  3. We managed to fix the issue. Some stray sheep wandered from their shepherd, and decided to wreak havoc on the innocent residents of smp1.
    All should be well now.
  4. The other day I was ghast hunting when I came across one that was just floating in one spot, so I shot it with an arrow, and it bounced off like I hit a shield with an arrow. He wasn't near any blocks and didn't shoot any fireballs. Seemed a bit odd. It did die, however, when I redirected another fireball at it.
    UltiPig likes this.
  5. There is something wrong with eggifying... spawn and villager and eggify it and repeat.
  6. Since the 1.9 update. We can no longer use the //calc function, it says "You are not permitted to do that. Are you in the right mode?"
    Before the update we were able to use the //calc function.

    [EDIT] : I have also noticed a few other bugs here is my list :
    TPsigns sometimes return you to the pressure plate so you tp constantly.
    Sometimes mobs dont take damage when you hit them
  7. I tried to lock a chest in endertopia and tried to open it, and then the sign went from having my name on it, to having my alts name (WhatIsUpMyDudes) on it and I could not open it. I can no longer lock a chest in my PeculiarPotato name.

    Edit: This also happens with access signs as well.
  8. when you put a head on and nothing else the armory inventory turns black
  9. 2 Bugs:
    Able to give any mob in town the running on fire effect by shooting a flame bow at it. Does not harm it but this wasn't possible before to anyone's animals without flags.

    If you eat a haunted candy with the shield equipped, you will consume the shield and not the candy and it still gives you the saturation effect.
    UltiPig likes this.
  10. Not sure if this is a bug/glitch or just a new feature but since the update when taming a horse. The horse just stands still, yet you hear it moving.
    SirTah likes this.
  11. That is most likely a glitch.

    One of the first things Aya did when playing on 1.9 (so she told me of course, <cough>, <cough> ;)) was taming a horse she found near an outpost. And everything went just as usual; it moved, it threw her off a couple of times and eventually hearts appeared.

    I wonder if this could have something to do with lag. I've experienced a lot of block lag ever since we moved to 1.9, and sometimes this also affected the way mobs behaved (sometimes they stand still, then they suddenly move again).
  12. For the 2nd time now my ip has been booted for "hacking". I don't know what's going on, I wouldn't even know how to "hack".

    Both times it was while using a Minecraft elevator at my wild base on smp9. The first time was last night on my account & I was using my laptop. The 2nd time was just a few min ago for my daughter Katie_Bear on our desktop.

    I have done nothing wrong & we love EMC. I do not wish to be banned for something I didn't do. Is there a problem with minecart elevators? I hope not as my base uses several of them, often with no other access to some areas.

    Edit: it just happened again on my daughter's account (again using a minecart elevator).
  13. Did you use them before the update as well? The reason you are getting kicked. Is that they are not normal movement.
    Tuqueque and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. 1.9 improved the anti hacking checks. staff will always personally investigate the repot, we will not ban purely on the automated kicks as there is a lot of false positives.

    So if your using a legit mechanic as you say, then you have nothing to fear.
    Mob_Meal, jkjkjk182 and BenMA like this.
  15. The case of the disappearing horses: So i've now had two horses vanish after getting off of them. The first time it happened i had logged out for awhile and thought i might have been mistaken about having a horse when i logged back in. Now the second time it became much more clearer. I dismounted my horse to retrieve a bucket of water. As soon as i got the water i turned around and the horse was gone. So i stacked a bunch of leaf blocks real high to see if i was just not seeing the horse. Still i could not see it. The horses are vanishing in the wasteland after you dismount them.
  16. There seems to be a bug with leads, when you try to lead one, it doesn't work, the lead vanishes, if you try it again, doesn't work, and both leads pop back into existence as items, tested this on a horse, sheep, and dog so it seems to be with all lead-able mobs
  17. This was happening with me to
  18. Yeah. We noticed that after release of the update. Not sure what is breaking leads yet. Broke for me as Senior Staff, which means it is not a permissions issue. Something else.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  19. Possibly a bug in the code?
  20. Anything is possible. We will be looking into it more :)
    Tuqueque likes this.