Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Should be noted. The leads actually ARE working. But for some reason, there is a bug that makes it look like it didn't work. Looking into fixing it, if possible.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. Well. Final update on the leash issue. Appears to be an issue with BungeeChord or the proxy that connects the servers together. If you log in straight to a server, you shouldn't have the problem. If you switch servers with /smp# you will likely have issues. (Purely visual)
    Tuqueque and Tah2 like this.
  3. Interesting...
  4. This isnt a major problem for me but maybe for others so will this eventually in the future be able to be fixed?!
  5. Yes, used them all the time for at least 6 months prior to update.
  6. The EMC chat notification alerts seem to be broken for me. I'm not sure if it's a global issue or if it's client-side...

    I was chatting with some users in town from the wastelands (via PM), and the notification alerts did not work properly.
    It forgot my past settings from before the 1.9.x update, which is expected, so I adjust it accordingly. (Means I changed the alert being played to a different one than the default and I even changed the pitch.) The alert system ignored everything I just did as when I carried on the conversation, it didn't remember my newly-set settings. In the end, I decided to disable the chat alerts altogether, as the default settings do not appeal to me at all, but when I turned off the chat alerts, it didn't even listen to me when I said I wanted no chat alert sounds...

    If this is a client-side issue, how can I fix this issue?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. Egging not working
    I was unable to get my pet bat home ;(
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. I can more or less confirm; no matter what sound option you chose the sounds remain the same. Only pitch changes things.

    Isaac: what does: /chat alert list tell you?
  9. Where did you try this? I know its working in the wild; my friend Aya "egged" a whole village yesterday (yes, she's that evil :)).


    Sorry, I overlooked: you cannot eggify bats. I do not know why, but it is so. Its not a bug, its a feature of some sorts.
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  10. I tried it and it says this, word for word:

    "Alerts (0/2): None saved"
  11. At the miner mania event. I was unable to egg a bat. Smp waste ne (the Mesa biome outpost)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Gotcha. Explanation: you can set different alerts. 2 in total. For example: you could add "isaac" so when I come online and mention: "isaac: hi there!" you'd get an alert.

    Reason I ask: determine cause (trying to).

    Does it not play any sound at all or a sound you dislike? I know the sound option is b0rk; we all get one sound, only pitch works.
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  13. My bad for being too late & overseeing stuff: you cannot eggify bats. I cannot elaborate on the reason (edit: because I simply don't know), only tell you this is how it works right now.
    MLG_Subtastic likes this.
  14. I cri ;(
  15. I have been having trouble with the RTS and pressure plates. Sometimes when I step on the plate, I teleport to my desired location, but then I go back. Sometimes, however, I teleport perfectly fine. BurgerKnight told me he will be looking into this, but I wanted to post it here too.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. :eek: same! I almost forgot about that happening today with me.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. Sorry for becoming a bit too obviously present (I think) but...

    I can once again relate to this. Earlier today I was helping HelloKittyRo out with her mall and the exact same thing happened to me. I didn't think much of it for (probably) obvious reasons; I also assumed a feature sign as misplaced which seemed odd to me but.. I figured I'd look into this "tomorrow".

    Having read this I'm convinced something else is going on (Kitty didn't have feature signs there, I checked in the mean time).
    ArkWarrior1 likes this.
  18. Same Same and Post #1000 :D
    ShelLuser and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  19. I got the #1000 reply but it ain't about the server :p
    JesusPower2 and ShelLuser like this.
  20. No, you're 1001. Hmm, A foxy tale of 1001 nights :)
    FoxyRavenger and JesusPower2 like this.