Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Oh, I get what you mean. My house has to have two different wireless routers in order for the full house to have wifi, and plus, I'm at my grandfathers place right now. Perhaps that is why?
  2. I'm getting DNS failures on, anyone else seeing this?

    [edit] fails fails connects
  3. Is anyone getting intense lag? my ping is at like 400ms, but when I run a speedtest I am sitting at 16...
  4. That's your internet. Server's not lagging.
  5. "That's your internet"

    Don't say that when he has 16 ping to his nearest server..

    A more accurate answer would be the lag between your location and the EMC having difficulties.
  6. I just pinged and I got a ping of 139

    That is very average for me.
  7. Which is a problem with the internet, not with EMC.
  8. Just got all my alts and main disconnected and was unable to re-connect.

    The forum was acting slow, now after 10 minutes everything seems stable on my end.

    I did a test which was looking fine and I had no issues apart from EMC servers & forum.
  9. Maybe you got IP banned for 10 minutes? ;P
  10. (I know this is not an EMC problem, just asking here before creating a new thread) I'm not able to log into the minecraft launcher and on all of my available accounts, it says I'm filling in the wrong password, but I'm 100% sure they're not wrong (I even once typed it outside of a box, checked it, and pasted it in, still not accepted). Anyone else having this problem?

    EDIT: problem fixed itself. :)
  11. I had a similar problem earlier. Thought I was the only one.
  12. The same problem happened a few months ago, but only right after you were at that residence.
    NathanRP likes this.
  13. Not really a server problem. But okay.
    Can you describe what you did to make this happen? Thanks :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  14. This happened when someone was on my res and we turned move off, they could see us chatting from the other side of town
  15. I was on 5 I think I went to shaving foam's or something and then I closed minecraft and relogged because I had some unloading chunks that were stubborn but that could of just been my internet but then I just went on my way to my base
  16. Oh no what happened? my game automatically updated to 1.9 and now I can't get in to EMC- what do I doooo??!! Does this belong here or on another thread?
  17. Go to the launcher, then go to edit profile. Then when you click that, head to the 1.8.9 and click that and save profile.
    We3_Nub_ and ShelLuser like this.
  18. My game auto upgraded to minecraft 1.9 and I cant log-on to play, I get message, "Outdated Server"
    What do I do?
    Pls e-mail me.
    I also tried to send a dict e-mail through your contact page but I got a Java error, not helpful.