Say something random!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Okamics, Feb 4, 2018.


Will you say something random?

Yes 26 vote(s) 72.2%
No 10 vote(s) 27.8%
  1. stew can be amused
    Roslyn and MoreMoople like this.
  2. You cannot untype somethings in life
    We3_MPO and MoreMoople like this.
  3. mi spelng suks
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. sentient boogers
  5. hey hey hey
    how do you make holy water
    YoU BOIl thE HeLL ouT of IT
    CinemaSins and MoreMoople like this.
  6. Twenty eight.
  7. "Qwertyuiop," said Asdf.
    "Ghjklzxc!" said Vbnm.
  8. You need a trademark symbol on it.
  9. I have heard them being called like that too, but not the cooper test though, the cooper test is usually some kind of test where you have to run a certain number of 400 meter laps in 12 minutes (or at least, that is what we had to do with the cooper test).

    And you can just say it, even your left pinky toe nail hurts after this test ;)
    Patr1cV, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  11. Is a variable.
  12. OOF
    Jay2a and Carbonyx like this.
  13. "Eventually, even the universe itself will die, and nothing will ever change again."
  14. why is 42 the meaning of life :eek:
    MoreMoople likes this.
  15. Well, the author who came up with it was a genius, so they made "the meaning of life" into 42.
    (42 is a variable on hexadecimal charts, basically meaning that the meaning of life is "anything you want.")
  16. ok all honesty here. are you joking or did you think I was being serious with that question? because everything here is something random :p
  17. look at my signature pls kthxbai