[S2] The Band of EMC

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by EnderMagic1, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Remember that instrument poll I posted a few months ago? Well, I chose certain EMC players to be in the band.
    SageCREEPER - Drums
    K_Kick - Piano
    BlinkyBlinky - Guitar
    Jelle68 - Bass
    mjnoe70 - Vocals
    KingGeorge4th - Violin
    and some other EMC skins in the crowd.

    Enjoy. :)

    Next one in 2 weeks: Star Wars Test Wallpapers
  2. Aaaaaa! I got featured in a wallpaaapeeeer! *checks off bucket list objective*
    This is so going to be my phone's background :D
  3. That is barely being featured.. Maybe I'll create another one with your skin. ;)
  4. Aaah, that's what it was for!
    Now I feel like I should've been able to guess... :p
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  5. I feel so left out ;-;
  6. Haha! Gotcha
  7. What's a band without a crazy fan?!
    *screams* I'm yo biggest fan! Lol
  8. Look in the crowd ;)
    PikminSplatoon likes this.
  9. I alredey guessed :p
    I wonder how I am able to play the bass with those bige square hands though...
    607 likes this.
  10. Can I be in the next one you make?
  11. Drummers always are in the back overshadowed by the show off lead guitar and signers! BTW, can we cover 80s hair bands? Why, cause that's my style!

    Very cool and very well done EnderMagic1
    EnderMagic1 and 607 like this.
  12. Sure.

    That's 1968, but, it's defenetly a hair song... (does anyone remember the musical?)
  13. Ya know I was thinking more like White Snake, Ratt, Doken, Winger, etc... ...but we can try that one. But I gotta get a wig if I'm gonna do that song. :(
  14. I've alredey got the hair for it... so I don't need anything there...
    I have even alredey got the clothing for it (don't ask me why...) But I've also got the clothing to do some good 80's songs though, so that isn't a problem :p I can also do some on the piano alredey, not on bass I think, (unless you count celebration) so that'd be a problem... (bass is my third instrument) The nice thing about 60's Hair is that I have done musical proformences for a little under three years, so I can help you doing the singing aswell :p (I'm mainly a jazz singer though...)
    (overusing the brackets)
    mjnoe70 and 607 like this.
  15. I feel ya ;-; xD
    I play the piano...le cri

    Anyways, Good job on this it looks cool :3
  16. Looks really cool so good job :D
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  17. I found a song we could play, it contains all instruments, only the piano needs to be swapped out for a keyboard and the violin for an electrical one...

    As usual, I have also looked for something so that I can show of just over a little...
    (might contain some emc inapropiate langue though...)
    (this band has got a lot more songs that contain all insptruments, but those songs may contain things like suicide and murder...)
  18. lol.
    Jelle68 likes this.
  19. I just kinda realized I'm a bit scared of being that close to a creeper, even one rockin out!