RIP my 4 year worked promos lost by hacker

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Paraworld__, Nov 30, 2018.

  1. Please dont delete or block further reply of this thread, this is NOT conversation about staffs. and i dont even know who got my promos.

    Lost about 3 mil worth promos from hacker, 2 double chest of promos. that guy took only vaulable promos - should play EMC. hacker dont even touch promos about under 20k rupees. and staffs tried to track them but claim they cant recover them.

    So if your account get hacked and lost your items, they just say something equal with 'Give up most of your efforts.' which pretty blunt.
    Reason is 'Dupe' risk of promos so cant recover them. So I will not ask about recovery of promos anyway.
    Just note who get hacked is idiot, and not likely to get hacked items, so dont let your account get hacked like this.

    think if you did 4 years of work of grinding rupee for promos, lost them by who likely to play emc, suspect isnt caught and you cant get any items you lost. How you feel?

    if someone get my promos from my drop party, who hacked my account held Drop party, NOT ME. please give them back if you feel bad about it. and if you have something to know about that drop party or who hacked my account, let me know please.
    as hacker is likely who play/played EMC, its annoying to think who hacked my account just laughing at me while play EMC.

    hacked items list at least i remember -
    At least i remember

    Dia/gold/iron supporter voucher (each 1)
    Polar bear armor (each piece, 1)
    Flaming mob launcher, ore burster, feather falllling boots
    Used institus
    Ham hacker
    Netherhound egg
    Cupid bundle
    2014 avalauncher
    Headless horseman mask (2)
    Aikar new year drop party head (6)
    Maxican head
    Old Version of starter armor, which isnt soulbound
    Choloate bunny
    Freedom bundle
    Biltz ards nose,arm,eye
    Freedom blade
    Pot of gold
    Unused Dancer
    Unused dasher
    Sheer madness
    T virus vaccine
    Dirt destorying thicking clock
    Potato plate
    Cupids bow
    Ender blade
    Turkey silcer
    Chicken skewer
    Love potion No.7
    Foxy_Kitty and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  2. As hacker is likely who play/played EMC, its annoying to think who hacked my account just laughing at me while still play EMC.

    i hope this community do something against this.
  3. Aw, I'm sorry. :( Did you share your account credentials with anyone?
  4. didnt shared, of course
  5. The person who allegedly hacked your account publicly announced while online that they found your password online. As stated before, please make sure that you are using unique passwords for your Minecraft account in order to prevent this issue in the future. Each player is responsible for the safety of their account on EMC.

    As to the comments about staff handling this situation and the misrepresentation of the issue, I'd like to set the record straight as to what exactly was said/done in this case. We do NOT say 'Give up most of your efforts'. We put in hours of tracking and looking into logs, etc to see if we could find who received the items. That's how I know what the alleged hacker stated while online. We were able to reverse all rupee transactions made in which the alleged hacker paid other players in an effort to drain all rupees. We were able to do this because there were logs associated.

    For promo replacements, we cannot and never have been able to just replace items because someone said they lost them. We hold this policy for a good reason, and NOT because we don't want to help. We really are sad to hear that this happened. However, if we replace these items, but they were given to other players, we have just created duplicates of promos and affected the value of the promo, especially if it was a quantity controlled item. Also, if we were to simply replace these items because the player said they had them, then we'd have to do so for every player who claims they lost items. Next thing you know, players will have an entire list of promos missing due to an alleged hacking events, and expect us to just spawn them in with no question. It's not that we don't believe the player who lost the items, but we know and have experienced past issues with players that attempt to abuse any lenience we give. To maintain a non-bias manner to our staff interactions with players, we can't spawn in items for players based on testimony alone.

    Now that being said, it's my understanding that erai1210 is making this thread to ask for help from the community in recovering his lost promos, so I will leave it open. It should NOT become a place to discuss the above policy in more detail. If anyone has any questions as to the policy outlined above, please let me know in a private message.
  6. I will mail you the blizz ard parts later today i'll do 1 of each besides the nose as i don't have one
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  7. Wow 😲, sorry to here that
    FadedMartian likes this.
  8. Sorry to hear this.

    I was given a grouping of promos as well as (unknown to me at the time) 25,000r to one of my alternate accounts. I have voluntarily given everything back.

    I am glad staff could do anything at all, mate, I know it is frustrating that not everything was recovered, but I hope there's a lesson to be taken away from this situation: unique passwords are key! :)
    MoreMoople, Lukas3226 and 607 like this.
  9. Was there an intended pun here? :p
  10. Oh, so another case of a hacker breaking into someones account, great, just great. So I did not have an encounter nor did I mysteriously receive something from that account, so unfortunately I don't have any of your items to return.

    Though I can't really offer anything in returned items, I understand your position. Several months ago my account was hacked by some troll who spammed advertising a server. They got the smart idea to spend all of my rupees on promos, collect and bust up chests filled with valuable items (including promos), and unclaimed the resident that my most valuable possessions (probably about 4mil's worth of stuff there).

    A resident backup was pulled up of my lost one, and through some assistance of other players I was able to recover at least most of what I lost. Just hang tight and after awhile you'll be doing better than you were before this happened :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  11. Wow, sorry to hear, so many players loosing their promos this month...

    I will ask though, is it true that you have used that same password for other sites online? For logins that could destroy what I have worked for be possibly stolen, I try to use a different password.
    607 and FadedMartian like this.
  12. Wow can’t believe this happened. I’m still kinda confused so did the hacker host a drop party on your account?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  13. Sorry to hear this. This should not be happening.

    Third time this year someone has done this. I think EMC should name and shame those Who are suspected of hacking or a proved to be a hacker.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  14. Not too sure if EMC can do anything more than what has already been done
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  15. I would disagree with that. Some people just make bad decisions. Also suspected of hacking? Are you saying guilty until proven innocent?
    607 likes this.
  16. I don't recall ever interacting with your username before, and I don't recall ever receiving promos for free from another player unless it was an event that was hosted and I don't think I went to anything that would have been hosted by your account.

    I wish people would find better things to do then to cause others grief by destroying their things or hacking their account and getting rid of all their stuff. I don't understand how anyone can find it enjoyable to do something so mean to another person.

    I hope things get resolved, best of luck!
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  17. I sent you a Turkey Slicer and Blizz Ard pieces (sorry I don't have the avalauncher) I hope those eases the pain a little.
    PhoenixAffinity, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  18. I am very sorry to hear what has happened. If there is anything I can so just shoot me a pm.
    FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  19. We've got so many nice people to compensate for the piteous ones. :)
  20. Its so sad to hear that this kind of thing happens, but it is awesome how the whole community pitches in and helps out. EMC really is an amazing community.
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.