Reverse Auction Rules - READ BEFORE POSTING

Discussion in 'Reverse Auctions' started by Krysyy, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Correct.
  2. I'm confused on the wording of a rule here.

    To whom does this apply?
    • To the auction host?
      • If so, reverse head auctions would cease to exist. The chances of someone having the exact 54 heads someone is asking for is, well, slim to none.
    • To the bidders?
      • It would be pointless for it to be this way. There would be no required heads that the bidders have to have to bid, and typing out 54 names for the chance to sell them would deter a lot of people.
    I believe the confusing part about this rule is because this is an exact copy of the regular auction rules, with the word "reverse" appearing three times. :p
    My suggestion for this rule would be to change it as follows:

    • Reverse auction hosts can specify the quantity of heads they want.
    • Reverse auction hosts can specify any specific heads they want.
    • The rest of the heads can be random.
    • Bidders would be responsible for assuring that they have any required heads, and enough random heads to match the amount requested by the reverse auction host.
    For example:
    Item: 1 Krysyy head, 1 Dramanya head, and 52 random heads
    Starting Bid: 250,000r
    Minimum Bid Decrease: 500r
    Ending Time: 48 hours after last bid
    Expected Delivery: 48 hours after winning
    A player could bid as long as they supplied a Krysyy head, a Dramanya head, and 52 other heads.
    So, the rule would appear as (it could obviously be clarified a bit further):

    On a semi-related note, player's (which is on the last line) should be players'.
    deathconn likes this.
  3. I think the intent of the rule in as normal auction is to make sure that players know what they are buying. In a Reverse Auction I think it would be reasonable for the buyer to state what they want. This could be 54 PenguinDJ heads, a mixture, or they could even say that they don't care what they get. Someone who is bidding would need to describe their offer in a way that shows that it meets the buyer's requirements in order to be valid.
  4. Apologies for the revival..

    Regarding the the min. 48 hrs to a max of 7 days in a Rev. Auction to deliver whats asked.... Aren't you suppose to have the items available when bidding? So wouldn't there be no need for a min/max waiting period since you would already have the items? Would just be a matter of setting up access chests, etc.
  5. However it could be possible that you might be offline, etc for IRL commitments. We need to have this in there or someone will come complaining that they aren't getting the item instantaneously.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. Good point. Just wanted to inquire :D
  7. Inquiry is the source of most knowledge. No harm in asking.
    Tahitan and ThaKloned like this.
  8. Hate to bump this but...
    I don't see anything about special mob drops
  9. Cooked Turkey
    Cooked Turkey can be reverse auctioned with a minimum quantity of 5 stacks.

    Shiny Arrows & Shiny Flesh
    Shiny items can be reverse auctioned with a minimum quantity of 5 stacks.

    Dragon Stone Fragments & Stones
    Dragon Stone Fragments & Stones can be auctioned off with a minimum quantity of 64 fragments (1 stack) or 8 stones.
  10. EDIT: I believe its the same for rev. auctions.
  11. That's not all of them tho
  12. For example?
  13. Auction rules are under review for special mob drops. The changes will come out in the January Newsletter, posted later this week.
  14. Chuck blizz stuff out :p
  15. Question: If your auction reaches low enough, are bidders allowed to pay you for taking the items?

    For example, my current Reverse Auction:

    I had set it to 15,000r starting and 20r as the lowest decremental rates. It got bid down to 19r. Another bidder posted -1r.

    Is this allowed?
  16. No, that would not be valid.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  17. Fair enough. I didn't see it explicitly stated in the rules, so I shall let the bidders know on it. Thanks Krysyy!
  18. If its -1r then they are charging you. Don't wanna be hit with a -1mil
  19. I think that is incorrect... If -1r was valid, they'd be paying you to take the item(s). Lol

    In the reverse auction, you are bidding to have the lowest, but best price for the item(s) in question. The end result being that the poster pays the winner.
    the poster owes, say -2000r, then the bidder would be paying the poster 2000r to take those item(s) off their hands.
    In respect to the rules, however, these posts are null and void as of now XD