[Results] EMC Rule Enforcement

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Maxarias, Nov 9, 2012.

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  1. Well first of all, we must learn why the 7 month unban system wasn't introduced :p
  2. not mass slaughter all emc players, just the iron and gold supporters :p
    Cchiarell6914 and Dwight5273 like this.
  3. queenelizbeth.jpg
  4. no but in all seriousness these facts are interesting.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  5. 72%*
  6. Some results differ from what I had expected but for the better I think, it's nice to see the communities opinion on new EMC policies :D
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  7. Yay! I don't need to build a tomb for my friend sanchezbayogonz!
  8. But... does that means that all the banned players are going to be pardoned?
  9. I just brought it up as a.. re-suggestion.. so maybe, maybe not :)
  10. Does Bayogonz have a special meaning?
    There are a few who are banned, that I'm sure if that happened, a LOT of people would grab their torches and pitchforks and go for the mods/admins.
  11. :(
    Yes, sanchez bayo-gonzalez are his last names.
    And I'm sure that sanchezbayogonz wouldn't do that because (I know this won't make him pardoned) his friend Jones got him banned.
  12. I think people should be able to appeal, but that doesn't mean mods have to listen to them. They can look at their history (i think) and whether they break a lot of rules. Sometimes you have to use empathy.
    Imagine you were banned unjustly, but because people voted for it, you couldn't return to EMC.

    And with letting all permbanned players back, heck no! We'd have hordes of wrong-doers with a free rein going after us. Who suggested that anyway? *suspicious look at everyone*
  13. Ohh ok I see on the name now. I wasn't saying he would be one people would rage about, I mean if the mods said "Ok, all these people who are permabanned are pardoned." That would include PT, Happy, Kels, 621op, Jlopez the JT griefer, Copherfield, SillyWhiteMage, people who have blackmailed other members, Roblikescake and all his alts, people who filed chargebacks= They paid for their supportership and then tried to say EMC didn't have permission to take the money out.
  14. Fair point here. I say everyone except these people - "minecraft terrorists"
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  15. Actually I believe there is an inside joke around the staff that Notch is banned.
  16. Ok. You have reason. there are players that did horrible things and they deserve being perma banned since they don't want to play in EMC; but moderators should give another opportunity to those players who regret their actions and didn't appeal correctly :( The problem is identifying who is actually ashamed of his bad actions.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. Yes death to griefers, man the irony of my name though.,,
  18. from all the over 50'000 registed members have only 616 filled it out?! that's sad. it was announced ingame and on the forum...
  19. 50,000 registered, less than a third (probably) sign on 1-3 days
  20. I got bored with so few ppl playing and empty servers, maybe if the server populations where merged on less servers things might be better.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
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