Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. The fire Is from lava.
  2. Hmm.. interesting I'm gonna try this.
  3. Make a 2x2 square, put lava in one corner and water in the other to prevent incineration.
    put pressure plates to keep liquid seperate.
    place all the armour stands in the center of the square.
    607 likes this.
  4. Magic ( dont tell TromboneSteve but you just light the armour stands )
  5. Here's a video on how to do the armor stand campfire. Now, back to screenshots! :p
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  6. anyone know what this is.... maybe smp6 or 9 not sure.... its at the town limits. 2015-03-11_16.36.13.png
    607 likes this.
  7. Yes, of course :p She has been white too! Even Aikar has been white, I'm sure :)
  8. So today I got to the top of 6parkour the natural way, without ender pearls, block-glitching, or horses. This was a pretty big accomplishment for me, because I didn't even know if there WAS a way to the top. The parkour course was generated completely randomly (I believe that 15% of the blocks were set to sponge/glowstone, and the other 85% remains air). So yes, I'm pretty pleased for finding a path. :)
    607 likes this.
  9. Where is this?
  10. It's on smp6 /parkour
  11. Hand over the rupees, I've got your mods captive.

  12. Is 1 rupee enough? Just let them live!
    Screen Shot 2015-05-20 at 3.48.36 PM.png

  13. Pretty sure youll have to pay everyone to take me back, not the other way around.
    TromboneSteve and f_Builder_s like this.
  14. A "lucky block" gave me this. 2015-05-20_18.52.45.png
    607 likes this.
  15. Plus the most epic boss fight ever. 2015-05-20_18.59.02.png
  16. when cutting wood goes to far... 2015-05-21_15.58.05.png
  17. Haha, I know, I hate it when such trees spawn... xD
    pantherarron77 likes this.
  18. Wow, enraged chicken jockey. Can't imagine how rare that must be.
  19. When it took DubChef 3 tries to die and spawn back at town...
    DubChef and ShelLuser like this.