Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Better get busy than xD

  2. The size difference between these hypno. Dang.
  3. So Close!!!!......

    KJCHAV likes this.
  4. rip
    Dufne and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  5. I like how when you used inspect element, you even changed your rupee amount :rolleyes:
    Gawadroit, 607 and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  6. I don't want everyone to see The real amount lol
    KJCHAV likes this.
  7. If that was your real amount then I would be like OMG!
  8. Oops.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  9. That was back in March? Oh my, certainly was a good while ago! :p
    CadenMann and 607 like this.

  10. Minecraft, making hilarious quotes since 2011. "Don't feed avocados to parrots!"
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  11. Hardcore ender expansion Mod

  12. HEE is one of my favorite mods made so far
    KJCHAV likes this.
  13. Exactly, they make the end so much more challenging.

  14. Yes I found swiss cheese!
  15. Look what I found. A wild Dinnerbone on EMC!

    I'm gonna Catch it!

    You've caught a Dinnerbone! Gained 99999 xp! Dinnerbone was added to the Pokedex.

  16. Aw, this is cute... but really, Fendy, over 5 million rupees and you couldn't spring for diamond blocks? :p

  17. Oops...
    LtCaptainMe likes this.
  18. I apologize to every player on EMC I've ever been friends with, but scooch over, y'all, because I have a new bestie:

    Seriously. You just can't expect to compete with that kind of greatness. She's in a league of her own.
    Gawadroit, Dufne and 607 like this.
  19. I spawned a snow golem in town and named him Jeff. Went to the waste to get some stuff and when I came back he had taken a crap all over the floor.

    I don't know what to do. Anyone know how to train a snow golem to use a toilet?