Random question about waste outposts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Talechaser, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. I suppose this is more so directed at the build-team, but I was curious about why only the south-east water portal in every waste outpost has bubbles in it and none of the other portals do. Is it somehow related to Aikars lair that's in the other corner?
  2. First: the waste outposts aren't designed by the build team, Kryssy designed them herself, becuase, well, nobodey is really sure. For this thing here. I can confirm that it indeed is the case (anyway on SMP1) and I think it might be a visual glitch that it doesn't show up in other places,but neither I have an idea how that glitch works and if it isn't a glitch, what is happening.
  3. It is a minor error. The bubbles are not intended. what is happening, is that corner has an armorstand that is ever so slightly lower than the others - causing bubbles.
    607, Jelle68 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. dont listen to them, they are hiding the secrets of emc itself! quick! explore it before you and this thread vanish!
    ShelLuser, FadedMartian, 607 and 3 others like this.
  5. You can actually blame Aikar for this one. He placed the teleport armor stands ;).

    Also #krysyyispartofbuildteam
  6. That's better
    ASliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  7. If only we put every one of mine and Krysyy's titles on our forum sidebar..... "Why's this page scroll so far?"
  8. Aikar has a lair? Please tell me how to see this! :p
  9. ShelLuser, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  10. There is an opening on the south west corner of every waste outpost. Just slowly go down the waterfall, looking inward at the outpost, until you see a discrete passageway. It's a few blocks down from the top.
    purplebook163 and 607 like this.