Random Forum Screenshots

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Meh. Might as well. It was inevitable right?

    Anyways, if anything happens in the statuses that are considered funny or is a chain of things, put them here as an archive.

    Let me go first:

  2. So it can be anything on the forums not just the status, correct?
  3. A lot of people are in the mood for a new car
    Tuqueque and LordessLevy like this.
  4. I found this a pritty interesting sight:

    how many pages since yesterday? (this is pritty old alredey, but, who cares?)
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.

  6. So close...

    Bump BTW.
    CinemaSins likes this.
  7. Oh no I ruined it! I didn't notice xP
    Also I get now what you ment with being on a forum thing :3 Sawwry
    ChespinLover77, Patr1cV and 607 like this.
  8. Bump
    In other news:

  9. This beef tastes like Wendy's
    ASliceOfRhyBread and Theomglover like this.
  10. they are annoying as hell, or atleast give me some good modern punk and emo bands which have good vocalists

  11. *listens to deathcore*
  12. Deathcore is pretty innovative. The drumming in it is fantastic because of that sweet double bass pedal, and super fast riffs and great, deep screaming.
    Beartooth with Caleb Shomo
    Silverstein with Shane Told
    As it is with Patty Walters
    Knuckle Puck
    Trash Boat

    And not everything revolves around vocals. Instrumentals are important and are a selling point if the music for me.