Promo Video Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. How ICC Got his eggnog
  2. some of the supporter features (Endertopia, Supporter Chat, etc.)
    cutejuliew and highlancer54 like this.
  3. Enraged Mobs is my number one choice
    Events (I hope you put one of your Super Death Events in there)
    Friendly PVP
    And last but not least, the Residences!
  4. A few of the larger wilderness towns (non-griefed sections, where appropriate). LLO, Pazzo, New Atlantia, or whichever else you can think of. Something that illustrates wilderness building is not only encouraged, but supported - "on EMC, we want you to go out and have adventures!"
    607, Aikar, ISMOOCH and 1 other person like this.
  5. I could not have said it better!
  6. "and build an Empire" ;)
    Cchiarell6914, Curundu and Kephras like this.
  7. Town builds that are not just shops, the wild thing as mentioned, events, special mobs, group chat. Pretty much what has been said

    Have someone as Herobrine in the background of different shots xD.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  8. You know whats funny. For the longest time, EMC's tagline was 'The Birthplace of Herobrine'. I think about how many other servers must have used the exact same tag in the early days. And how illegitimate I believe the tagline to be. But if our... 'association'.. with the mystical ghost of Minecraft, however loose, brought even just 1 person here, I guess it worked.
  9. Personally I think Herobrine is a bit played-out. ;) We're better off creating our own legends.
    But from an advertising standpoint, I can see the merit I suppose, even if I'm not overly fond of the idea.
    607, Cchiarell6914 and Curundu like this.
  10. ...And then we find out that Herobrine is the boss entity in DT.. :rolleyes:
    607 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  11. 1) Emphasize the builds. Videos of epic builds. Toss in briefly protected residence.
    2) Custom mobs, as these are great, unique, and provide challenge
    3) ICC or staff doing the mob killing out in the waste. This is tons of fun, and would be a deathtrap challenge.
    4) promo items, maybe a flaming mob launcher, or cupid bow. Say there are more, but let them come to see what they are.

    I think this above would capture the essence of EMC...
    What am I missing...

    I dont know if I would do anything with DT until it comes out.
  12. The new (optional) PvP arenas are a HUGE addition in terms of new player appeal; sell the heck out of them.
    I'd also try to mention the community aspect, especially forums. Seeing Kephras and Aikar make amends was an awesome reminder of what makes EMC special, and showing that off will attract players worth keeping.
    Also be sure to include our awesome development team and the updates they're now able to churn out.
    Of course, don't forget that EMC's defining attribute is town-based survival. Try and give a real feel for what it's like to go collect resources and adventure in the wild, build awesome structures on your res, and buy/sell from shops. The in-town grief protection and economy give a more permanent sense of accomplishment than plain survival servers ever could. If players don't like that play style, they won't stay long anyway, so really try and paint a picture of what it's like.
  13. And if myself and Olaf-c started a promo video D:
    (We always need snr.staff/admin ;))
  14. As a specific in the video,
    (and for ANY promo videos)
    If you need to cram stuff into a short amount of time, have fast playing slides come in with information.
    So like "Custom Mobs" then "10 Connected Servers" stuff like that :p
    Then with an udderly big explosion it goes to the next part :)
    Just a suggestion :3
  15. Yup. That's the idea for sure...with mini info 'segments' faded into new ones over and over. :)
    brickstrike likes this.
  16. When I first showed my mates this server, the thing they liked best was the player made shop system
  17. I'm not keen on this. Optional PVP is the only feature that hasn't been tweaked, maintained, supported and perfected to the best of its ability. Before we start selling *optional* PVP (which Aikar already isn't keen on) it needs to be in the Games World, with a leaderboard system. If a new player joins just to play PVP, and sees it in it's early rising phase (not to say that it isn't good, but there's definitely some faults, including how hard it would be for a new player) they would be turned off, assuming that ALL our features are like this. :)

    One thing you don't see too often in promo videos or trailers is a story. Try and include a storyline, with dramatic themes like unity, peace, respect, ect. If you're interested, I scripted a rough idea out about a year ago which I haven't gotten round to creating, I lost it but I'd be happy to re-create the main ideas
    supereskimo and 607 like this.
  18. Show the protected reses on an smp and utopia, so the player knows that there are perks when you support the empire. PVP and custom mobs should be next, they both sort of fit in the same catagory. Lastly is the promo items and other EMC events, probably Mob Arena and Dragon Tombs should be shown in that portion.
  19. I still remember, more than a year ago, when searching for a server to join, how hard it was to find one non-pvp and non-white listed in the same time. That was what brought me to EMC in the first place. I have not done research, but I'm tempted to think the situation might be even worse nowadays as plenty of servers offers pvp in one or another way. Players looking to join for a pvp aspect, I do not think the arena we have, really is what they are looking for, so I would not put an accent on it. Just my subjective thought. The accent has to be put on environment and things that EMC actually is-survival MC with economy and active community and events run by staff for everyone to choose the interesting one for himself to participate. It would be good to show the great outposts/camps on the wild as for survival aspect and nice houses in town as for relax and townie aspect and those great shop builds we do have for economic aspect. All of us are different and everyone's interest in minecraft differs.
    FatAndyTheGreat likes this.
  20. No. No nope no absolutely not. Bad idea.
    Dragon Tombs are already a sore spot with a lot of people due to the numerous delays and protracted development, and they're still not out yet. Trying to "sell" a feature you don't even have (yet) amounts to false advertising and is only going to cause problems.