[poll] what did you forget to pack?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by KatydidBuild, Aug 19, 2020.


What is the most important item you take with you when exploring (not armor or weapon)?

enderchest 9 vote(s) 75.0%
steak 3 vote(s) 25.0%
bed 0 vote(s) 0.0%
climbing blocks 1 vote(s) 8.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Whenever you head out to an adventure in the wilderness, what is item you forget to pack in your shulkers most often?

    Frustration of Frustrated Typists.
    Not sure how, but this post got posted live before I had finished adding on choices to the poll. So feel free to leave comments instead of the poll :D
    BlackKnightess, 607, sonicol1 and 2 others like this.
  2. Definitely an Enderchest. I usually have the items I need on my person, but if I need more, I always forget that they are in my Enderchest. Usually I forget to bring one to access said items. :)
    KatydidBuild, 607 and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. torches! ALWAYS torches! :oops:
  4. For me it is always the enderchest. I went to the end a couple of times, collected a bunch of shulkers shells and other goodies and then when I call it a day, I'm like wait.....how am I gonna get back, and you might be thinking, "Oh but there's enderchests on the end cities!" Well good luck finding them AGAIN, because I sure CAN'T! Once I leave a city, its gone forever to me!

    So I die, get ANOTHER set of adventuring stuff to get the stuff I left behind, this time with an enderchest, and then proceed to go back to the end, wonder which portal to the end cities did I take "was it this one? was it that one? oh what the hell, whatever!" and finally I can get back with the stuff I looted. This has happened quite often.
  5. Extra fireworks weren't an option? Nor is EXP bottles to repair Elytra on the go? :p
  6. :)

    As for me: my toothbrush. :p

    In Minecraft, I never take anything out of town exploring. I prefer to gather everything myself. :) Sometimes I do take voter's armor, though, and rarely tools.
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  7. I never unpack, so I do not often forget things... but if I do it is typically armour as it is the only thing I take off when in town :confused:

    And to those of you that forget enderchests, doesn't that mean you technically forget everything? haha
    KatydidBuild and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  8. EXP bottles.
    For repairing elytra, of course. :p I seem to have no shortage of rockets and will have at least 9 extra stacks in my inventory than I need. But my elytra always runs out of durability.
    Also a boat. Ice tracks use what? That's right, they use boats :rolleyes: and I always forget one...
    KatydidBuild, Joy_the_Miner and 607 like this.
  9. I found in the past I always carried my trusty Raaynn Bow, but ofttimes forgot to unpack the arrows from my vault, requiring the quick massacre of some skele's.
    KatydidBuild, 607 and Joy_the_Miner like this.