This is a quick and easy poll. Xenforo has themes and we have a set selection of them currently. I want to make a rainbow theme. Why? Because we don't have one yet (and I can't decide which theme to change to, but I'm itching for a change). I'm curious if anyone would use it, were I to add a Rainbow Theme for everyone. Yay or Nay? P.S. Don't tell Aikar I found the template settings in Xenforo.
*drives down to NC* me: AIKAR! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS! aikar: what? me: Krysyy found the template settings aikar: *demotes Krysyy*
I'm for it, as long as the rainbow theme is coherent with the website's design and does not leave an afterimage in the viewer's eyes...
Yes * 100^100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (continued)
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No idea yet. Each element would be a different color, then I'd play with it from there to get a balanced rainbow look.