[POLL] Promos: Fireworks this I-DAY?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Jun 29, 2018.


Should EMC continue to release fireworks on July 4th?

Poll closed Jul 3, 2018.
Yes. I want fireworks. 82 vote(s) 42.9%
No. I want something new. 109 vote(s) 57.1%
  1. In the early days of EMC, there were no annual promos. I remember being excited by each new promo as they were released throughout the year. Traditions are good, but releasing a new promo will be exciting. Moreover, July 4th fireworks will increase in value.
    purplebook163 likes this.
  2. This

    Well, the 2014 4th of July had 19 different items when you include items, chests, do not claims, different colors, and steak. Oh, but that was only one year and those were mistakes! Yeah, and what about the two PPP parties and the multitude of rare econ crushing items they introduced? Please, let's not pretend to care about the promo market.

    Anyway, '15 was fireworks and steak I think. Recovering from the promo high of the year before.

    '16 and '17 nailed it with fireworks and one promo item (liberty sword (+steak) and declaration of independence respectively). I think everyone is wondering, why can't we do the same - fireworks and one special item?

    If you're already decided "something new" is more then one item, like a set of whatever, maybe you should think about spreading it out multi year - it's what makes things special. Many of us will be here to collect a set over the next few years.

    Whatever you do, if it involves a display of the American flag, please make sure it's depicted in the correct manner ;)

    Happy 4th!
  3. Honestly, if you're going to discontinue them one year, please don't release them again in the future.

    It would be annoying as heck for people who have promo collections. Imagine having the fireworks from 2013-2017 then having no 2018 one, but a 2019 one (if it's released next year).
  4. Adding on to this, there was like 4 promos running at once in early jan 2018.
    > Santa's Magic Bag
    > 500K member item
    > Vixen
    > New Years Firework

    Having the fireworks AND a special item won't hurt.

    We haven't had a promo since Easter AFAIK, anyway...
    purplebook163 likes this.
  5. New stuff has pulled into the lead! Whooo!!!
    white_trash_dna likes this.
  6. Wasn't there a year where, for IDay, there were bundles where you could pick armor, tools, or the fireworks? Plus, there were steaks? I don't think it will flood the market to have a few more promos than usual. ;)
    TomvanWijnen and white_trash_dna like this.
  7. Everyone vote for something new, I'm getting bored of fireworks every time... :p
    AKing707 likes this.
  8. Vote for the one with the least items so Kryssy can't use the poll to remove one or the other.
  9. lol then she will just override it, mate.
  10. Aww .. :( why would Krysyy even consider having a poll if she had already decided what it would be? I've seen time and time again that the players have been asked for their opinions and they have mattered .. things got changed where they could. This is a this one or that one poll .. very simple .. she was asking people which one they wanted. That's all I have to say.
    Starsphere and FadedMartian like this.
  11. 2014 I-DAY is the leading reason why Aikar isn't allowed to make promos anymore. :p
    The PPP events items/sets were meticulously balanced and the values for those items remains right where we wanted them for being from a special event. The promos are items that are given to every player account and don't follow the same patterns intentionally.

    Thanks for the input from the community. It allowed me to see that there are still a good portion of players that are not wanting to let go of the fireworks and a good portion that are getting a little tired of them. I'll be locking the thread now as this fit with my poll expectations and I've got a plan in mind to address both sides of the coin.