[POLL] Promos: Fireworks this I-DAY?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Jun 29, 2018.


Should EMC continue to release fireworks on July 4th?

Poll closed Jul 3, 2018.
Yes. I want fireworks. 82 vote(s) 42.9%
No. I want something new. 109 vote(s) 57.1%
  1. Keep the fireworks. I agree with SageCREEPE, maybe add a special promo in shop world.
    luckycordel likes this.
  2. Yeah
    luckycordel likes this.

  3. To clarify, each of you should be voting yes in the poll. I'm not promising more promos.
    This poll is to say yes or no to the firework's existence in 2018.
  4. I voted for a new promo but now after reading the posts about keeping tradition .. maybe that's not a bad idea. lol .. but which ever is good with me to be honest. I mean, it's a free promo! What's not to be happy about and our newer players get a chance to have what we all have as well. I also like that it's only one or the other.. makes it special. =]
    luckycordel likes this.
  5. I day fireworks get spammed for three days, then do nothing but sit in promo collections. I’m down for something special that might actually get used by players, not turned into a digital form of stamp collecting.
  6. Me likey!
    luckycordel likes this.
  7. For me its hard to say one way or another because we dont know what we are sacrificing for. I understand we aren't discussing other options here, but its hard to get a true opinion from people that might actually like to see something new when its unknown if it will be something good, or anything at all. For the unknown variable, I simply voted to continue tradition, however I am no way completely sold on it, just dont know if its worth giving up.
    purplebook163, 586 and luckycordel like this.

  8. Note: The 'something new' is already decided, if that option is chosen.
  9. I want to vote, but I'm not sure what this "other item" is. Not only that, but since I've been on EMC only since 2015, I'm not sure how much it would be "breaking" tradition if we did something new.

    I'm all for something else that's new, though I don't want to speak for others that want the fireworks to stay.
    purplebook163 and luckycordel like this.
  10. Loving these polls! Gives me more say in things!
  11. I have a suggestion for kry do you think we should also have some promos for other countries for historical events like what about the uk do they have a promo?
    586, aaadam12 and luckycordel like this.
  12. It keeps at around a 50/50 vote so maybe keep only one of the fireworks and have the additional item as well?
    SliceOfRhyBread and aaadam12 like this.
  13. As much as I love traditions... I feel like something new would be better... ;)
    586 likes this.
  14. Yes. What about other countries' traditions?
  15. I'm honestly split nearly 50/50 on this decision, but I do agree that something new would be nice for a change. :D
  16. Can't go wrong with fireworks :)
    ZanDarkin likes this.
  17. Keep at least one firework. Maybe not year labeled, but yeah. We definitely need to keep fireworks
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  18. well you should :).
  19. Blaze Rod or End Rod Sparkler Effect!
  20. The I'm not promising more promos part tripped me up; I stand by what I said though, it's hard to give up the sure thing for something unknown. Tradition is tradition, but shaking things up is always a good idea. Whatever staff chooses I'm sure will be popular!
    purplebook163 likes this.