[POLL] Mac or Windows?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Dufne, May 19, 2015.


Mac Or Windows? (Or other)

Mac 35 vote(s) 22.4%
Windows 112 vote(s) 71.8%
Other 9 vote(s) 5.8%
  1. So truee
  2. He was saying that windows is used in hardware not that it makes that specific hardware.
  3. I'm mainly a Mac supporter, but I have to agree with you here :p

    But there's a market for laptops using core M (apparently), so they may as well make the most of it :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. Pc master race ftw :)
  5. I am a pc user and always will be. But note this, apple can be good if they didnt put so much junjunky hardware. They are focusing making things more compact than for power for games so generally, prices of macs are higher just because of their new designs. As for pc users, we will find larger laptops and bigger prossesing speeds. They are cheeper as well because windows operation system is more versite to other hardware than macs. You buy a mac and that is basically it.
    Pantupino and VoxelRay like this.
  6. Mac vs windows Hmm? Without getting as deeply involved as some have so far you have very different operating systems. When talking about Mac basically you are getting the ABC's if an operating system. Its super easy to use and that is about the limit of its advantages. If you are worried about security either you aren't using your computer right or you have automatic updates turned off. Tinting on automatic updates on a windows os will eliminate 90% of all threats. Security is an old argument that really since the macbook got fame only carries an emotional advantage. Windows is far more customizable, is compatible with far more software and is cheaper. The one thing that I can say about Mac is that it is intuitive: User friendly that's the only thing I think Mac has on windows.

    Edit: I didn't realize that there were so many people that play on here that actually think mac is better for anything except people that have no clue what they are doing... maybe that... nah. I have NEVER worked anywhere where mac is used(mind you I have never worked for apple but I can imagine they use windows too XD) I have worked in several lines of work, military, sales, customer support, factory/production, warehouse/distribution and for small businesses. NEVER have I seen a Mac except for in a college kids hands. I do understand that there is mostly misinformation distributed at these businesses(colleges) so maybe that's why some people are so far off base? There are some obviously beyond wrong posts on this thread, seems more of an emotional debate as mentioned before.
  7. Windows is and will always be superior to mac or osx if you must. But that's my opinion and you may feel differently. :p
    Kind regards Patric! :)
  8. i like win and mac (even though i haven't used a mac)
  9. Gaming isnt the only thing . Macs can run minecraft fine in fact many youtubers use macs because of the quality,power and to show off they have money .Thats one down side and the only reason i dont have a mac ,the price. Also Macs can run Windows :D Really ,https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201468
  10. Macs and PCs will eventually phase out of existence as we come up with something grand and new. So will this burrito. But at least the burrito is delicious. -noms and walks away-

    (P.S. I voted "other" for burrito.)
  11. That's the point. You'll be getting a tiny little crappy mac for a ton when you can get a way better windows for gaming! Showing off money? Hehe, I'd much rather show off power!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. Windows has Microsoft Office, which makes it fairly effective for schoolwork too.
    Macs are just unnecessarily expensive - There is nothing a £3000 Mac can do that a £1500 PC can't do way better.

    The only argument I tend to hear is "Macs are better for video editing and stuff" from people who have never edited a video on a Windows PC.
    Chewsy4 and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. In my case, I grew up using only Windows as my main software, platform. So my answer may be bias, meaning that, of course windows is the best because you can run better games, and it has a bigger library of games in steam" Still I can't decide if Windows or Mac, why? Because my experience with Macs is almost 0%, never ever have played in a Mac, never used a Mac. So my answer is not helpful for the thread, because I don't want to be a bias with you Apple fans.

    So I will just go to the back of the room and watch the thread, and try to learn something.
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  14. Macs have Microsoft Office too, in fact, I just finished an essay on it :p
  15. Like i say before with max you pay big bucks and get poor hardware. most hardware apple use is based on laptop hardware. to get it in the case. that makes the performance not better. And like i say graphics cards on apple are always far behind cannot be upgraded. Also i don't like the way the operating system works.

    For generalfelino015 , just test the apple desktop very good out in a shop. But if your used to work with windows you possible pulle a few hairs. no right mouse button. no page up/down (what i hear from other users) And it's just to expensive.

    Oh, i use libre office. it's free pretty compatible with office. and the dont want to sell you a contract and let you work in cloud. because clouds is evil. Keep your information always local ! One reason why you install windows 8 and higher with local account, to keep 'some' control.
    generalfelino015 likes this.
  16. There is a right mouse button and Command + Up/down Arrow does the same thing as the page up/down button.
  17. Ok but you have to think about one thing you can run ''most'' of the Steam library on a mac and quality Macs die hard but live longer if you don't keep it in the car often . Also you can run most o.s es on Mac . And the second to last thing Macs don't get too many viruses but they can get the odd virus

    Also macs are closed source that's why Macs don't have many programs and many viruses
  18. First, you can't generalize anything about Windows PCs. I can either make one, or go to the store and buy one that is much sturdier than a mac for less. You can run most operating systems on a Windows PC as well. Using some basic safety measures, you can ensure you don't get a virus on Windows. Both Windows AND osx are closed source. It has absolutely nothing to do with the lack of programs and viruses. These are both because Windows has much more market share so people will make more money by targeting a Windows PC.
  19. Since everyone knows a lot about the pros and cons of Windows and iMac, I'm just going to ask this here:
    My dad wants to get a gaming PC, but where I live, it's about 2 grand. Currently, he can sell our iMac for 1.4K. So, my question is: Should we get a gaming PC, or just shove in more RAM? My iMac currently has 4GB of RAM, and can go up to 16GB. The only games we play on it is Minecraft, Civilization, Starcraft II and Beyond Earth. It's also the 2011 model, if that means anything.