[POLL] Facebook Live?

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 15, 2018.


Would you watch EMC Facebook Live?

Yes 42 vote(s) 48.8%
No 44 vote(s) 51.2%
  1. We already verified you could watch without logging in. Once again though, this is just a survey because I'm curious.
  2. Fair point, but people will comment, if they're logged in already. Keep in mind there are also younger people on EMC, that haven't yet really considered how they want to handle their privacy on the internet, and they might post a harmless comment on the Facebook stream, without realising someone might be able to link it to their EMC account, and get their info.
    Honestly, I've done that myself without realising: commenting on a Facebook post from a YouTuber, for example, with my online persona, and only considering I just shared my full name and my Facebook account later.
  3. While I know it's not intuitive since Facebook is a brand generally associated with having to log in, I fully understand that people don't have to log in. Just watching the videos probably wouldn't put anyone at risk, so if nobody comments, then there isn't an issue I can see.

    However, this is a community. Commenting on the videos and interacting with one another is a very normal thing that people will want to do. They may or may not pay a lot of attention to what they're doing and the information they are making available to others weeks, months, or even years later.

    I understand this is just a survey on if I'd watch the live streams. As I said before, the answer is probably not. I'm unlikely to watch the stream in general, and even less likely if it's done through Facebook.
    Tuqueque, 607 and FadedMartian like this.
  4. I did suggest earlier in this thread that you could be in discord writing comments and/or talking while a stream is running from any streaming app.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. not every one has fb
  6. That has been long established, I think.