Pineapple Birthday Party + AMA

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ElfinPineapple, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. I certainly respect your enthusiasm but as we know based on changes to campaign contribution law and the way the wealthy and big business control the political process and the desire by the republican party to cut spending to all the needy you will have an uphill battle. I work at a NPO that provides services to those with intellectual disabilities in a state that has a republican governor and congress. They have gutted medicaid so that they can continue to cut taxes on the wealthy. We are afraid soon the people we keep safe and alive will be living under bridges. It's very sad but it is what is happening to our country. I wish you the best of luck.
  2. Excited!!!
    What is your go to in-game food?
    tuqueque likes this.
  3. Congrats! My question is: How do pineapples like to celebrate?;)
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  4. conspiracy time! is it true that u got 20 pineapple alts? ^.^
  5. Less than two weeks before the AMA closes so keep the questions coming! :D

    Mining is always my go-to activity when staffy stuff doesn't have me busy. Whether it be clearing a beach of sand or hunting for ores, I've always found mining to be a bit therapeutic.

    If I can't afford to drop a couple hours on mining, which happens more than I care to admit, I'll just jump around across the smps and chat with people. :)

    Steak. :)

    Hopefully by not sleeping ten hours and waking up at 11 this morning cause that's totally what I just did by accident :p

    But it's a nice little home the elf has within the pineapple, so give it a good book and it'll be happy for a couple days. I've got a lot of fascinating books I haven't read yet but want to, so it's not hard to keep the elf busy :p

    Pineapple alts or elfin alts? The two are very distinct beings :)

    Sadly I will confirm that I have one elfin alt *looks at Aikar*. But I will say I was tickled to death to discover that there was a bit of an elfin brigade popping up on EMC in recent months.
  6. Congrats!!

    Question: Ohhhhh! Who lives in an ElfinPineapple under the sea?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. I was hoping someone would ask that...

    Answer: Elf-In-Square-Pants! (Get out of the way Spongebob!)
    Kippy159, MoreMoople and BenMA like this.
  8. Congrats on your 1 year as a mod:D
    Do you redstone?
  9. You'll notice that the event date and AMA end dates have been moved up a week. This is because I will be taking a vacation from EMC start on Monday, August 1. I will be back on Monday, August 8. The delay will help me set up everything for the event and to compensate for the lack of bumps. :)

    Only if I have something telling me how to do it. :p
    ShelLuser and luckycordel like this.
  10. Poking this thread back up. Drawing is set for August 12 so be sure to enter if you have not already. :D
  11. Congrats!! :D

    Whats you favorite book with a pineapple in it? And Are you the pineapple house from spongebob? :p
  12. If you would be eaten by aikar as an pineapple, what would he say you tasted like?

    from 1-7 how much smp8 is in you?
  13. Congrats my Pineappley friend, and my question is this do you often have random conflicts with the other Elfins?
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. Congrats on 1 year, dude!! :) Which one? Pineapples or apples that grow on trees.. :p
  15. Congratulations Elfin :)

    Do you play Pokémon Go?
    If so, what level are you and what's your highest CP Pokémon.

    If not, why? What's your thoughts on the game?
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  16. What do you think of Spongebob's house?
  17. Bumpity bump! AMA ends Friday at 11:59 PM EMC time. Because the school decided to make me do a class Saturday morning at 8:30 AM, the drawing will likely occur Saturday afternoon. However, only entries submitted before the aforementioned deadline will count in fairness to all players.

    I'm a huge reader of non-fiction and political biographies/autobiographies, so I don't know of any books that have pineapples in it.

    With the house, no clue since I've never seen the show. I didn't even know Spongebob lived in a pineapple house...

    First of all. Aikar wouldn't eat me, but if he did I would guess the taste depends on whether or not he had a 5 hour right before. :p

    hmm....5.5 for the other question.

    Not really. I'm supreme and they know it (just kidding :p).

    Apples. I've only recently found out that pineapples grow in the ground O.O.

    I do. Highest is a 405 Pinsir (not a frequent player).

    Never watched the show so I really don't have an opinion. All I know about spongebob is that I'm not a huge fan because other people would watch it and I couldn't see what the big deal was.
  18. A little over 12 hours left, so get your entries in if you haven't already done so. :)