Fair enough.... the wall post should get his attention... but to PM... click your inbox - Start a New Conversation - then type his name... Type away.
This is not the place to dispute a ban, message a moderator on the site. Also you only spoke a single line of Spanish out of 11 days of chatting, and that was just when you were giving problems for being punished for spamming "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU". We keep very detailed logs, it is all there
Then, spanish is or not banned? sorry for asking but i speak (as other languages) spanish with some MC buds
Ok so this is starting to be clear, I had already been kicked for the "FFUUUU" (im not a very good sport in casinos) and then i got back online and spoke spanish, a few seconds later i was banned. Was i punished twice for "FFUUU" or kicked for that and banned for spanish?
I'm certainly getting tired of it.... Why in the heck are you still typing.. here... the ADMIN - has told you to PM.. posted it... NOW.... back to the topic at hand... Justin /report NAME REASON is awesome - thx...
Okidoke. For some reason I wasn't considering the complete anonymity of the reporter when I was asking about revealing the reason to the reported player. I should have -- silly me. Anyway, it's good to know that once the reputation system is in place it won't be on full auto with no way for mods to fine tune it. Good show, Justin. Good show indeed.
this sounds interesting. good job. the automated justice dispensing system makes me a little nervous, but i'm sure if there are any problems they'll be worked out.
Cant argue with this! Now people will be able to keep the servers clean and happy while the moderators and admins can attend to Admin-y and Moderator-y work
people get banned almost instantly it seems that mods don't actually check to see if the system is not being abused