[PARTIAL INFLATION] Well, good inflation. Please read!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by EmoryCrafts, Mar 19, 2015.


Which should we choose?

Decrease Prices 12 vote(s) 31.6%
Increase Prices 18 vote(s) 47.4%
I Don't Know 8 vote(s) 21.1%
  1. I think the people who want inflation just like seeing fat virtual wallets.
    And the people who don't care for inflation are people who like to sell cheap and give away free things and make free attractions, cuz who cares about in-game money?

    Before you say I'm trying to defend myself in not wanting inflation, I'm actually in the middle. I don't care either way, as long as I'm able to build and craft what I want.
    But btw, if you want inflation, then promos will have to inflate 10x =P
  2. But the way he has inflated has been somewhat subtle after the big outcry when he made that one thread.
  3. Note: This is on the wrong section.
    Really it should be on marketplace discussion.
  4. Actually, inflation is best for those who want cheap items although it may seem a little counterproductive at first. When people raise prices, they raise buy and sell prices. The server has also been slowly increasing the number of rupees you get from things like voting meaning we all have more rupees. Everyone has more rupees which means that the cost of items goes up. When the item cost goes up, people realize that they can undercut the competition by 10-20 rupees while still making a large percentage of profit. In other words, those 10-20 rupees mean less to them. This is good for people who want to sell cheap because although the rupee amount is higher, the value of the item is still relatively cheap. Free people will be free no matter what although I think most people will agree that you need rupees for almost any town stuff and making your free thing will cost less relatively to if things don't inflate. Here is a little idea of what I am talking about using irl examples. Let's say you want to sell bread. Everyone else is selling bread for about 10 cents and most people have about $10 on hand. You want to sell yours for less, but your only real option is to go to 9 or 8 cents and a bunch of other shops already have those prices covered. Any lower and you won't be making enough. Inflation happens and people are now selling bread for $10 but people now have $100 on them at any time. You can now choose any price between 800 cents and 1000 cents which offers a much larger range for you to choose your price from.
    Dektirok and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  5. Huh? Deflation? No, definitely not that...
    that'd not really do anything good.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  6. A new inflation thread! Here I come! ;)

    Check this please: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/your-opinions-on-inflation-in-the-empire.47642/#post-861686

    See why can you not print more money?

    Why would you do that?
    How would you do that?

    Who is "we"?
    Prices of what?
    How would making price of an item lower (e.g. by overproduction) make that item worth "more"?

    Prices of what?
    You mean have larger amount of money that is worth less, so there is no actual change?

    How would that work?
    Cchiarell6914, tuqueque, 607 and 2 others like this.
  7. Umm read my new post
  8. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean ... is "we" the whole EMC community?
    Inflation is overall rise in prices, deflation overall decrease in prices.

    Consider this:
    - What drives prices higher, what drives inflation is in the first place "free rupees" - daily / sign in, voting etc.
    - The only way to stop this is to cut "free rupees", to make people get less of those
    - The only way to make rupees more worth is to make them more scarce, to drain peoples balances
    - If people have less rupees, but rupees that are worth more, then prices will go down - but the relative value will stabilize again and stay about the same, so again, they won't be able to buy more

    The bottom line: Can't create value out of nothing!
    You can not just print wealth, it is not possible.

    Consider this:
    - If you want to give people more stuff for their "free rupees" like voting bonus, you need to find people who will dig / collect that stuff
    - But what would you give that industrious, working people in exchange? "Free rupees"? To do what with them?

    So why not to just give the people diamonds and stuff?
    - If you just give people stuff, it will become cheap. That would deflate the market
    - But would you create wealth? No. Because when everyone gets the stuff for free, without effort, then it loses value. To have a pile of diamond blocks would mean nothing.
    - This would make mining, collecting and farming effort pointless, it would turn the game from "survival" to "creative".
    - It would ruin this game and it would make all the effort that people did put into mining, collecting and farming up to now ridiculous, this would ruin their earned wealth.

    However you turn it around, you just can't create value out of nothing, because only what requires effort has value.

    Who would be "we"?

    It is very nice of you that you would like to donate stuff to people, but really, what good would that do?
    Isn't it much better to teach them how to mine, collect and farm themselves?
    Gawadrolt, 607 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  9. The diamonds prices are a bit inflated, but for a good reason. New players do not have the tools/patience to go searching for them so they go to shops and are willing to spend more and more Rupees to obtain them.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  10. i think we should keep the prices at what they are at, because it is working. I also think people should stop over reacting about inflation, it seems everyone's doing it recently :confused:
    607, ChickenDice and Gawadrolt like this.
  11. Can we at least lower prices of some ores?

    Lately its been bugging a lot of newbies and seniors.
  12. It seems like a lot of the info here is based on a very wide scope of what to discuss. Many of the items I see could easily sell if they were priced higher by a little and sometimes a lot.

    On another note, a player most certainly can cause infaltion/deflation. Todd and anon if they got together could force prices either way substantially and independently could probably push them by their selves. Also any large mall that has a team of people working to stock the thing could force inflation or deflation without corroborating with another economic giant. Azoundria is another one I can think of that has a long list of influence over the market. I personally haven't seen any of these people try to force the economy around but done right, any of them could. I'm sure there are more as well, these are just the ones that come to mind.

    Edit: Jesuspower2 forced deflation of prices on smp7 by himself, no outside help whatsoever on emeralds. This is just one item but at the time he was the only one selling them reliably on that server. Of course cross server economics kept this deflation localized.
  13. I like the increase prices option :p
    I have a lot of stuff, so it would help me :p
    EmoryCrafts and Gawadrolt like this.
  14. 3 Questions:
    • Who would be "we"?
    • Why should people who mine ores get less for their work?
    • Why do not people who are bugged go mine them?
    607, PenguinDJ and Gawadrolt like this.
  15. "We" would be the community of EMC.

    People should get a high percentage of money.
    This percent would be dependent on the economy's prices.

    For example, most stuff cost around 20 to 30 rupees. (Example)
    A diamond would be around 500% to 600% of this price.

    So if people could buy stuff for 5 to 10 rupees, a diamond would be from 25 to 50 rupees.

    Don't ask me what type of stuff, it's just an example.
  16. About this post, she has a good direction for where this is going.
    Exactly... I sell diamonds for 99r per, and I had a few stacks in there, and now I'm fully out.
    Those people probably sold it to malls.

    If I make my selling price high, I would lose money, right?
    But what if I make my buying price low?

    People would instantly resell to make money.
    So that's why this "resell" thing is kinda cheap.
    It's practically cheating the system to get money.
  17. So you're suggesting that we, the community, go out and dig ores and stuff and then sell until the price drops?

    Whose money? Who will earn it?

    This is already the case.
    1 Diamond is around 60 coal or around 55 logs etc. This is so, because in average, it requires around the same effort to get one diamond as to get 55 logs (both are high demand items).
  18. No!
    Do you not get it yet?

    If we go mine more, each diamond would be worth less, right?
    If a diamond is worth less, log would be still the same amount. (Because it's independent)

    However if all the prices go down, this will be good for people with lots of money ATM, so they can buy more things.
    For new joiners, they get 5000r when they join. They would be able to buy more things.

    Have I answered all your questions yet?
  19. Yes, that's correct. However, the chances of getting everyone to mine their own diamonds is completely impossible.
  20. Of course! You are completely right.

    However for the people that do mine diamonds it will be good for them.