I thought it was only on every dash kill then I watched an actual pro Genji on youtube and saw that he had dash up every time he killed someone. Then I went into a game and had people asking me if I was in masters xD
So it turns out if you group with silver friends who are willing to play supp a lot and are decently competent, you can carry hard enough to win >.> Road to 2.5k (again), yaaaay.
I was doing some Oasis with Junkrat like normal today when our McCree came on voice chat and said "Howdy," and sounded a bit like McCree nothing special, but then talked for the rest of the game like this. It sounded like McCree was giving us motivation the whole game. We lost though, I got tons of kills every time I ulted, then Mercy would res everyone. Still, being asked "How is it down there Junkrat?" when I blew myself off the map, by a guy that sounded like McCree playing McCree was pretty great.
I joined a game with 5 dps on and I went mercy with 7 mins left on Gibraltar we managed to win and I got 4 3 man res's xD Edit: We were on defend
7 loot boxes in and still no epics or legendaries ;-; On the bright side, I got a hella nice looking Genji user pic I guess...
Since Overwatch has been out for a little over a year now and we're all enjoying the event, I'm going ask you all which 3 heroes you have the most time on and how much? For me it's: McCree (18 hours) Hanno (13 hours) Torbjorn (11 hours) Though I rarely play McCree now, he is still my highest hour hero since I played him so much when I started. Symmetra is really close to kicking Torbjorn off too. So what heroes have you invested the most time in?
If you mean casual, then: Genji (52 hours) Widowmaker (26 hours) Ana (10 hours) Comp: Genji (9 hours) Ana (8 hours) Mercy (2 hours) https://masteroverwatch.com/profile/pc/us/SnipeSGaming-1994 Master Overwatch is one of my favorite sites to check my stats. Check out yourself if you want